Astro 3, 4, 7 Exam Generation, Astro 8A Prep

* go to c:\grad\bennss and make sure you're happy with all the questions in ss-1.q , ss-2.q etc.
* If you change, must go to tm.dat to modify.
* modify tm.inp
* open another cmd window and open tm.inp and look at it while you run tm.exe 6 times as instructed
* run tm.exe one more time, for the final exam
* move chap 29 to right after chap 1, and for astro 3, move chap 30 to right before chap 11.
* run addqline.exe to add "Quiz #" to ALLQ1.OUT and ALLQ2.OUT
* run allqfix.bat which replaces original ALLQ1.OUT with the new version which has "Quiz #" lines added
* examine ALLQ1.OUT, ALLQ2.OUT for accuracy.
* if this is for Astro 3 in /bennss, then run fix30.exe which substitutes in your hand-picked q's for Chap 30 (climate)
* Run tp.exe for class 1 and follow instructions for master, all,final options, then do again for class 2
* open tp-1.1 etc in MS Word and spruce up and save as tp-1-1.doc in Word 2003 format so it doesn't confuse your office machine.

Creating Study Guides for Astro 3, 4, 7
* edit qid.dat
* run study.exe , it will generate study-q.1 and study-q.2. for the two sections of astro 3 or 4, or just run once for astro 7
* run study.exe again to generate finals study-f.1 and study-f.2
* Open in DreamWeaver, from previous offering, study-1.html which is the combined study guides from last offering, then....
* Open the text files study-q.1 in MS Word and just highlight/copy and then paste onto study-1.html from previous offering. Just do one quiz batch of subsections at a time, so all the other formatting can remain untouched. Then open study-f.1 in MS Word and do the same copy/paste.
* repeat for study-2.html

* Cabrillo's instructions page
* open up in MS Word the file \grad\bennss (or \benncos etc) the file DupRequest.doc and modify for quiz 1,2 etc.
* send an email to and attach: dupRequest.doc and your exam as a Word doc. Repeat for all exams.

Astro 8A Prep
* Occultation lab - go to c:\occult4\predictions and make sure you have already run OCCULT4 to generate a year of predictions.
--- File name of output will be cab13.txt,
--- then run labmak.exe in the same directory, producing labmak.out.
--- Open this in MS Word and spruce it up.
* For the rest of Astro 8 labs, go to Astro 8 Startup