Scheduling for Field Courses and Field Trips


* Call 479-6465 at Facilities to reserve van.
* fill out form
* students who pay camping fees and then need refunds, it's now through HigherOne
Refunds to Students, e.g. Camping fees
All our student refunds are processed via Higher One, which is a third party agency. Students will have to activate the Higher One card that was mailed to them and come on campus to use the Higher One ATMs to withdraw the money, or set up direct deposit to their checking account. If students' don't like those choices, Higher One will send them a check 21 days after we send the money to Higher One. The Business Office used to cut checks but has stopped that process some time ago. If this is a one-time deal for those students, some might not be too happy with the process. Also, if any of the students owe us money, their outstanding balance will be reduced, but they will not get a refund.