Valencia School Science Fair - 2010

I helped judge again this year, this time looking at the 5th graders' work. Once again, Cathy G had some good food layed out, and the long ride in from Santa Cruz had me energized. The next day, I met up with the Ferrell's and friends and took some pics of the kids with their projects - a very rewarding adventure once again.

Julia is all smiles - a finalist heading to the County science fair for showing that her sample of women had faster recovery of heart rates than the men, after a workout.

Callia's project demonstrated an interesting way of testing concrete strength vs.lime content - good work and she's headed to County.

Ants! Quick, get the Black Flag!

Kelsey and Michaela tested the water at several locations and environments for pH and other variables. Great job!

Sara and Kiana found that plants grow better in plain old dirt than in potting soil. You mean, the corporations are selling stuff worse than dirt?? A lesson for all. Note the classic hand-crafted graph on the right.

Sam found that foam bricks insulated better than gel pacs - good to know as we plan for energy efficiency

Reid tested the length of time different types of firewood would burn - Valencia's principal was a loyal supporter

Kyle's on his way to County, with this study of citrus batteries. The conclusion? Lime's were best, but still pretty lame when it came to raw horsepower. I was impressed with his command of the project - so blame the limes, not Kyle!

Sally had a novel idea; see how far away her dog could be and still recognize her.