YouTube Videos For Astro 4 Students

While you're studying the text and lectures, you may want to click on and view some of these videos to help you see important processes relevant in the evolution of stars, galaxies, and the universe. They're here for the curious, the interested, and will help you understand our Universes. As such, they will also, of course, help you perhaps with exams. The History Channel's "Universe" series has many relevant programs. Unfortunately, they're too heavy on glitz and doom/gloom and too light on actual content for me, but you might disagree. PBS's "Nova" series is better in this regard, although they too seem to me to be unfortunately heading in this direction.

Special Relativity
BestOfScience Series on Relativity (10 min)
Relativity and Time
Visualization of Special Relativity
Relativity in 5 minutes ( with some math)

General Relativity (GR): Our Modern Theory of Gravity
*Brian Greene's "The Elegant Universe" on GR (7 min)
* Veritasium - "Why Gravity is not a Force" (17 min) excellent!

The Evolution of Stars
*Stellar Evolution in 3 minutes
--The Life Cycle of a Sun-Like Star: 12 Billion Years compressed into 6 minutes (with nice soundtrack) - no narration, just movie.

*Spiral galaxy formation: numerical simulation (3min)
* Collision between two spirals (Andromeda + Milky Way) (1:38)
* Simulation of Galaxy Formation (2019) (4min) - Kobe U. Japan - no narration

Dark Matter and Dark Energy
* Dark Matter and The Evolution of Structure (2007) (Dark matter only)
* Lambda-CDM Universe structure formation (24 seconds!) - no narration (2020)
* PBS SpaceTime "Anti-Gravity and the True Nature of Dark Energy" (15min)

* Universe: Dark Matter and Dark Energy 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
* The nature of Dark Energy (10 min)

The Origin of the Universe
* Kim Griest: Particle Physics of the Big Bang and Early Universe (43min)
Stephen Hawking's public lecture: parts 1,2,3,4,5
* "A Universe from Nothing" by Lawrence Krauss 2009 (65min)

Life and the Universe
Astrobiology and the Origins of Life (UCSC "COSMOS" lecture; 1 hr)
Questions No One Knows the Answer To (TED lecture, including the Universe and alien life, mostly)