Camping Links, Other Resources for Planning Purposes


Campground ideas

Merced River camping near Briceburg.

Clark Fork Campground north of Twain Harte - remote, on Stanislaus River. Open till September (but what does "closed" really mean??) 6,000 ft

Fence Creek, - 5,600 ft, on Clark Fork of Stanislaus off 108. 3hr58min 205miles . Looks like good view of the sky. $8/night, no reservations FCFS. Might be closed.

Sand Flat Campground -

Campgrounds on Hwy 108

Sweetwater Campground on Hwy 120 near entrance Station to Yosemite. Rainbow Pools nearby, but right on Hwy 120. I am not excited.

NOAA Hot Springs of the Western U.S.

Reservations Arroyo Seco Grp Site (expensive!)

Hope Valley camping, near Markleville Formal campground at Hope Valley Cmpg, but also dispersed camping nearby.


Camp Materials
Power sources compared