Our group campsite was perfect for wide horizon astronomy, thanks to astro clubber's Kirk and JP, and yet shaded for our whole group. And our day hike to to Hot Springs Creek Falls, sprinkled with my trademark microlectures on all things astronomical, found a delightful swimming hole to add to the falls experience. And of course - the French Crepes breakfast. Photos of the group are below... It's a work in progress.

The best photos, however, were taken by our crack Astro documentarian and 12" scope master - Kirk B. Here's his Flickr page for our trip

Kapn Quasar - JP brought his big 18"er (scope) and showed us everything from nearby Jupiter, to distant Quasars. Setting up, here.

Knocking deep holes in the night sky, while I talked to the group about the life cycle of stars on the first night.

Happy faces enjoying some great Crepe's a'la Nolthenius

On the hike to the Hot Springs Creek waterfall

On this warm Saturday, the waterfall and pools were a welcome place between micro-lectures


Lecturing on star formation on the hike

The Plieades, reflected in the lake by the campsite

The lights of distant Reno, reflected in Indian Creek Reservoir

Saturday late afternoon, after our hike, some of us did a swim in the lake. I was fascinated by the birds, and slowly paddled, alligator style head barely above waterline, to view the habits of a pair of birds and their young in the reeds.

Solar lecture. Alas, yet ANOTHER field astro solar lecture with the sun entirely blank of sunspots, as the sun goes through the deepest solar minimum in a century

I'm trying to demonstrate how BIG the sun is.... and failing

Kirk and JP hauling the pieces of their telescopes back to the parking lot, on Sunday.

One last Crepes picture!