Local Organizations, and Resources Committed to Addressing Climate Change


Local Resources
Santa Cruz has always been a community with some deeply commited people to help make a more sustainable world. I've met many in the organizations below, and they're good people. Here's some resources towards how you may contribute to making a better future.

Cabrillo College - Astronomy 7 "Planetary Climate Science". Get educated on climate and current/future climate change; all aspects presented in this intense course for the non-scientist
Santa Cruz Climate Action Network - An excellent site constantly updated with the latest events, lectures, happenings on climate in the Monterey Bay Area. If you're looking to get involved, this should be your first stop.
Citizen's Climate Lobby (CCL) - Santa Cruz Chapter.
Local Climate Document Exchange Page
Local personality Joe Jordan, giving a TEDx talk promoting solar energy
Acterra Stewardship - Opportunities to join others in outdoor work helping Bay Area environments be restored.
Cabrillo College Engineering's Cabrillogreensteps webpage for Cabrillo College renewable energy projects
Climate Change Presentation Contest, based in Watsonville for early 2015
A People's Curriculum for the Earth - teaching climate change (I've not previewed this yet).
Climate Change Hits Home - a local Santa Cruz film project describing effects of climate change here in the Santa Cruz area

Wider Resources
Climate News Network
RisingTide.org - A growing network of climate activists using Direct Action to confront those responsible for climate pollution
The Climate Mobilizaton Project - A group dedicated to urging dramatic civilization-wide mobilization to halt climate change.
Climate Denial Crock of the Week - A vast collection of ~10 minute excellently documented new climate science, and no-holds-barred unmasking of climate denial nonsense. Widely regarded as the top YouTube channel for climate science information in an accurate and entertaining way, by Peter Sinclair. The videography and integrated explanations are Mozart-like in how rapidly he's able to produce and publish such excellent work.