We had a Yuge turnout for this last year, protesting the election of Trump and the Anti-Science party. This year was a little smaller, but not much. Saw many friends, captured some moments, distributed some flyers for my Astro 7 "Planetary Climate Science" course at Cabrillo. Talked science to some not-so-science-minded folks (a chem-trail follower in particular. Hey, those trails are just water vapor condensing in the cold air way up there). Enjoy the pictures!

At the steps of City Hall, A few speeches to warm up the Marchers

Neighbor, long time friend, and fellow astronomer at UCSC Bill Mathews

And his wife, Cynthia Mathews - former mayor and long time city councilwoman

Cynthia Mathews speaks on the importance of science in our culture and our city

Miguel Anzar, very active in Bay Area science advocacy and education, and former student and local artist extraordinaire Andree B., both were enthusiastic about my climate science Presentation 36 hrs earlier at the Tannery Arts Center

Under Trump, science seems to be heading the way of the T-Rex

The March went through downtown, crossed the river, and ended at Earth Day celebrations and outreach programs at San Lorenzo Park

This young student from Pacifc Charter School is a dedicated activist for the environment. Met her at the Save Our Shores Beach Clean Up at Cowells Beach 2 weeks earlier.

Drew Glover founded Project Pollinate for environmental activism, especially for saving the local bee populations. Drew is a former student and is running for City Councilman

Good advertising smarts!

Even better advertising smarts!

Former I.T. director for U.C. Santa Cruz / Lick Observatory and environmental activist Bob Kibrick and I talked, at the Citizen's Climate Lobby booth, where Pauline Seales and others were working hard to inform people of the hoped for legislation to put a carbon tax-and-dividend on the national agenda.