"The Dire Post-IPCC AR5 Climate Science Confronts the Nature of the Human System"

CCL Monterey County January Meeting - Jan 13, 2021


A presentation by Richard Nolthenius to the Citizen's Climate Lobby of Monterey County, and Citizen's Climate Lobby of Santa Cruz County

PDF of PowerPoint presentation

Followed up in Zoom recording by a Q/A session with participants. (sorry for the poor resolution of the announcement. It was mailed to me only as an email, not a high res PDF file. Did my best in Photoshop. You can get the gist...)


The Presentation is a dense summary of post-IPCC AR5 science showing much higher climate sensitivity to CO2, much stronger climate feedbacks, new and more detailed climate modelling which includes permafrost melt for the first time, and all of it spelling a situation which will take great sacrifice and heroic civilization efforts to halt. Much more than the public is being told. I show the motivational frameworks from the policy makers, the pro-growth economics media, and how this severely biases the communication of climate change future into a direction which strongly encourages complacency and a reliance on the existing political economic paradigm for any solutions, and how, on a finite planet, this is not going to succeed any better in the future than it has in the past.