The Occultation of a 12.9 Star by the Asteroid Volga

Feb 20, 2022 at 4:20:09am


The occultation is at the worst time.... 4am. Yikes, and it's not easy.... 12.9 will look like a 13.9 straight up. It will likely take at least 8x integration and maybe 16x. It lasts only 2.6 seconds so at 8x that's about 20 integrations at the bottom. The drop is 3.5 mag, so that will look quite complete. The altitude is only 16 degrees rising in the east, so the star should be easier to see as it rises. There are 3 observers signed up; me, Kirk, and K. Osaki. Odds for Kirk's home is 56%, bit higher if I try to separate and go up to Pasatiempo where I think would be best.