The Occultation of an 11.9 Star by Asteroid 2004RM103

March 18, 2024 at 1:28:07am


This is a high rank event, narrow path through the Santa Cruz Mtns. Karl's inside the path and so is the Skyland Church which looks like a good choice for me.

alt=30, Az=161 in SSE. The target is at the level of the foot of Corvus, and forms an equilateral triangle with the beak and Spica.


Sky position large view




I carpooled Kirk up to Karl's where we studied possible sites for he and I with Karl, who knows the Summit area back roads well. We all got data under clear skies; Karl near the northern limit but inside, Kirk near the 50% area between the centerline and the northern limit, and me near the centerline. We all had misses.

Richard Nolthenius

I set Kirk at the Skyland Church parking lot, then continued down Skyland Rd to Long Ridge. I came to a narrow road with 'private road, keep out' signs, backed out, and ended up at a white house just north of it, being sure I'd have a clear view of the target. Setup went well, efficient, and I was on target and recording in clear skies. I disconnected the monitor for the recording after being sure of my tracking, to maximize signal voltage. Near the centerline, I expected to be able to get a good detection. However, the high rank was apparently an over-optimism from the predictions. Looks like a miss, recorded at 2x.



Kirk Bender

Also a miss, at 2x integration.



Karl von Ahnen

Karl got a good recording, although at 16x, which I imagine made for a very bright target. At that integration, even a centerline occultation would last only a single integration. Not seen on the recording. A miss. All of us were on the north side of the centerline. A half-diameter south shift or more, would explain it.