2023 Astro Events

Summary Webpage


Jan 1 - Sat 4:36am - Occultation of an 8.0 star by Mattiaorsi, from Santa Cruz. 0.7s duration, only 1/3 odds of a hit, but bright. In SW. Results: Success! Kirk got both events from home. Results: A success! Our results showed software errors in PyMovie so we used LiMovie, which shows no field reversal pathologies. KIrk and I have submitted results to IOTA on 1/14/23. Solid good light curves for us. Karl unable to try it, but highly likely a miss for him given our positives down in Santa Cruz. Planning and Results page.

Jan 17 Tue 12:41am - Occultation of 12.7 by Joensuu, from home on Centerline. 55% odds on centerline. Planning and Results page. Results: Success! 5s events for me and Kirk from our homes. Karl's batteries didn't survive the cold.

Jan 17 Tue 4:23am - Occultation of 12.6 by Losaka, from Santa Cruz with 50/50 odds. 30 alt, 282Az, might have to drive to get that horizon. Check C2A carefully to get from driveway? Or get sleep. 1.8 mag drop. Planning and Results page Results: Kirk tried from home, but got occulted by a tree at the last minute. I, and Karl, did not try it - sleep needed.

Jan 18 Wed 2:25am - Occultation of a 13.1 by Ahrensa - Decent odds, centerline crosses the top of Mt Charlie Rd where I plan to try it, if I can handle the sleep loss. Results: I got a second wind, and did indeed drive up to the top of the Santa Cruz mountains and recorded the event. Karl tried from home, a track 1 km SW of mine. Karl's camcorder battery died right at the predicted second of the recording. IOTA report 1/19/23. Planning and Results page

Jan 19 Thur 8:17pm - Occultation of a 12.2 star by Calvinia, from Santa Cruz. Full drop for 2.3 s. Alt=56, Az=227. Centerline through Watsonville. Odds from home at the northern limit is 41%. Only 47% at the centerline. Karl's north of the nominal path but still good enough odds to give it a try. Planning and Results Page . Results: I got a 3.4s positive from Mar Monte Rd, Kirk has a positive too, from home. Karl got a recording but outcome uncertain.

Jan 24 Tue 6:20pm - Occultation of a 13.1 combined by Repsolda. Alt=52, Az=75. from Santa Cruz and south. Planning and Results page Results: Successful long occultations from Kirk and I. Karl tried too, but ran out of time. Intriguing evidence from Kirk's data of a moonlet (only the tiniest hint from mine - too far from Kirk's track).

Jan 30 Mon eve 9pm - Graze of Mars -11N on 74+ moon, from Pinnacles. Derek Breit's map. Conflicts with first meeting of Astro 4-2 !! Problem - I don't want to miss this graze, but - could also photo the very close approach with class at the close. After all, I already have a Mars bright limb video from December 7 '22. Mars misses the moon from Cabrillo College by only 3 Mars diameters, so photography will still be dramatic, from outside my classroom. Results: Kirk drove to Greenfield to get the D on the dark limb. I got photos from outside room 806 on campus.

Feb 5 Sun morn 1:40am - Occultation of a 12.9 by Coma Sola, from 30 mi east of Santa Cruz. Rank=61, full drop, 37 altitude, at foot of Gemini Planning page. Results: Kirk, Karl and I, and Ted Swift, all tried for it - clouded out despite set-ups.

Feb 8 Wed 7:40pm - Occultation of a 13.2 combined (14.4 star) for 7.7s by Ortrud. Super high rank path, centered on Santa Cruz. 0.4 drop, alt=40, az=95 in Cancer. Long event will allow longer integrations to pull star out from noise.Kirk will try from upper UC meadow, I'll try from home. Planning and Results page Results: I got a solid event from my driveway, surprisingly easier than I thought. Kirk got it from Bonny Doon, also well timed. Karl; electrical trouble.

Feb 9 Thur eve - Comet photography session at upper UCSC meadow for Kirk Bender and I. Results: Nice success. Comet still looks good, but fading and getting smaller. Photo page is coming...

Late January and Early February: Comet ZTF will swing within 0.29 AU of Earth and could get as bright as 4th magnitude and visible in evening and morning skies as it crosses the northern constellations. Could be a great photo subject, if the rains ever stop! Closest to sun Jan 12, to Earth on Feb 1. After midnight for shooting. Early February big moon, alas. Good to photo again by Friday Feb 10, at probable magnitude 5.7 and 0.7 magnitudes dimmer than at closest and brightest Jan 31. It'll be high in the evening sky w/o moon at that time.

Feb 10 Fri eve 10:20pm - Occultation of a 14.4 star (12.2 combined) by Nina, with Santa Cruz inside the northern limit. 5s duration, 47 alt in Hydra. If weather holds, it should be marginally do-able at moonrise. Planning and Results page. Results: Kirk and I both has misses, despite the good odds from home.

Feb 19 Sun morn 12:35am - Occultation of an 11.0 by asteroid TomWhitney, Easy to find and time, if we get an event. 21% odds of a hit from Santa Cruz, only 30% from centerline so not worth travel to. Rank is mediocre. Alt=53, Az=165 in Leo. Planning and Results page. Results: Kirk and I both got 1.3 second events of this bright star, very good data. Karl had a miss. IOTA report filed for me 2/23/23.

Feb 19 Sun - 10:09pm - Occultation of 13.6 star for 2.4s full drop by Hertzsprung, from San Gregorio, or San Jose. High rank. No odds for Santa Cruz or Karl. Planning page Results: I got a 1.4s event, Kirk may have had a miss from 7 miles further south of me, filed as a miss. Karl was not in the path. IOTA report filed 2/23/23.

Feb 21 10:50pm - Occultation of a 10.6 star by Oishi. 50% odds from Natural Bridges, 0% from Cabrillo where I'll be finishing up Astro 8A. Have to end a bit early? Centerline offshore but crosses Moss Landing. Weather looks to be terrible. Planning page. Results: In my rush, I wrote the wrong RA/Dec coords on the charts, and Karl and I at Moss Landing didn't have time to recover. Kirk did, and got a 0.6s event from near Antonelli Pond.

Mar 1 Wed eve - Jupiter / Venus conjunction 0.5 deg. Results: Got some nice shots from around the corner. Posted on FB

Mar 2 Thur eve 10:43pm - Occultation of a 12.4 (combined) by Ursula - high rank, wide path. All of Central CA. 15s long, but only 0.2 mag drop from the 14.1 star. Planning and Results page Results: Still trying to find the event, as PyMovie gets updated. Probable just too hard; occn is visible but so are false positives.

Mar 15 8:18 PDT, Occultation of 13.8 by Shen Guo, from Santa Cruz, low rank. Try from home if clear. Or better yet, combine with a higher rank event an hour later... Planning and Results page Results: Kirk got a miss from home. Karl and I didn't get on-target till too late.

Mar 15 9:31pm, Occultation of 12.3 star by 1998 DN8, from Rodeo Gulch summit. Karl and Kirk should try too, to confine the path. Planning and Results page Results: Got a definite miss from Rodeo Gulch Rd, sent to IOTA on 3/16. Kirk also a miss. Karl also got video, not analyzed yet.

Mar 26 Sun eve 11:11pm - Occultation of a 13.5 combined by asteroid (449) Hamburga. from Santa Cruz, good rank. 0.5 drop (14.3 star) and 5.5s duration, so if skies are clear it should be do-able with long integration. Planning and Results page. Results: A solid positive from Kirk and I and Karl - all from home.

Apr 1 Sat eve 11:43pm - Occultation of an 8.2 star by (1119) Euboea, from Pt Reyes, or 46% odds from Half Moon Bay. Planning page Results: I had a long hard day at Pt Reyes and did not get home in time to try to drive again to the path, fooled by cloud forecasts. Karl did try from home, with only 8% odds, and got a miss.

Apr 6 Thur eve 11:30pm - Occultation of 10.4 by 8.3 Pallas, from home. Full moon, 0.18 mag drop, but better odds if you go to Davenport. Results: Clouded out

Apr 10 Mon eve 8:29pm - Occultation of 4.1 magnitude Epsilon Crateris, by Asteroid 2001 TX107. From Santa Cruz area. 15% odds of a hit in Santa Cruz. Planning page. Results: I was fogged out at Cabrillo, Kirk got a miss from Sunlit Lane, Karl had align trouble and didn't get data.

Apr 12 Wed eve 11:30pm - Occultation of 11.2 star by Tekmessa, from Santa Cruz. High rank, we're near limit of shadow. A good event to try. Planning Page Results: I got it from Coast Rd up Hwy 1, Kirk from home. We both had 1+ sec events. Karl recorded a miss.

Apr 14-16 Fri - Sunday - Astro 27 "Field Astronomy at Pinnacles National Park". Held at Laguna Mtn, with a visit to Pinnacles on Sunday. Results: A great trip. Laguna Falls hike was the highlight, campfire lectures and planets through the scopes. However, only early birds who left camp early got to get into Pinnacles. Heavy traffic there. I gave several micro-lectures along the San Andreas Fault, and also near the Pinnacles turnoff.

Apr 18 Tue at 9:31pm - Occultation of 13.7 star by Sophia, centrally through Santa Cruz/Aptos. I'll be with Astro 8A at the observatory if clear. I'll make it a project for the class to try. Planning page Results: Kirk got a 0.9s positive from home. I had the target drift off the chip just before the event. Karl observed too...

Sun Apr 23 - I'm the interviewed guest on syndicated radio show "Be Bold, America", broadcast on KSQD 90.7 FM. Available on KSQD's website here

Apr 27 Thur eve 10:16pm - Occultation by Dysona of a 13.7 star, from Gilroy and east of there. High rank. Planning Page. Results: Karl tried, but got on target too late. Kirk and I skipped it, it was too far a drive.

May 12 Fri morn 4am - Occultation of 10.1 combined by Eunomia. 0.1 mag drop, but 76 sec duration, high rank. Get from MIRA. Planning page. Results:Kirk and I both got data from MIRA Observatory using their 14" Planewave and 36" Cass scopes. Not reduced yet.

May 13 Saturday 1:40am - Occultation of 15.2 star by Quaoar.
V-R=0.74. No moon, 26 deg altitude in the SE. Will be using the 36" scope at MIRA. Planning page. Results: Kirk and I both got recordings of this event from MIRA Observator using their 14" Planewave scope, and 36" Cass scope. Results: We got a successful recording, but no rings evident.

May 17 Wed morn 5:16am - Occultation of Jupiter, 5 deg altitude with sun -8. 5%- moon. Results: I drove up Empire Grade to get above the fog, The tree line at the upper meadow looks iffy to be low enough, so drove up to another overlook close to Felton-Empire, but too many trees there too, so retreated to upper meadow UCSC. But, I guessed wrong on where the moon would rise and missed the occultation, instead just getting some bright twilight post-occultation photos.

May 19 Fri morn 1:25:04am - Occultation of a 13.0 by (1587) Kahrstedt. From Santa Cruz (centerline!) for 1.2s, full drop, 19 alt in Scorpius. Planning and Results Page Results: I got a miss from the Upper Meadow at UCSC/Wilder bike path. Karl had a miss from home.

May 25 - 12-1:15pm webinar https://www.nationalacademies.org/event/05-25-2023/climate-conversations-nuclear-energy. See page for link to recording after the event.

Jun 2 Fri eve - Mars in the middle of the Beehive cluster. Photo page

June 4 Sun eve 11pm - Occultation of 12.4 combined by Circe. Santa Cruz and Mtns all inside high rank path. Planning and Results page Results: RN got a successful 14s occultation from BD Airport. No others tried it.

June 8 at 10:34pm - Occultation of a 13.4 star by Asteroid 1999FJ10. Low rank, only 15% odds in Santa Cruz near centerline. I plan to give it a try anyway. Az=138, Alt=18 in SE. Planning and Results page Results: I set as planned, under clear skies. Target cleared a tree later than hoped, compressing setup and getting on-target. I did get a recording started, but a few seconds after the nominal center time. So, a "partial miss".

Friday, June 9th, 3:00 - 4:00 PM ISB 221 Rika Anderson (Carleton College) https://astrobiology.science.ucsc.edu/events/astrobiology-colloquium-june-9-2023-rika-anderson/ 

June 15 Thur 12-1 zoom - UCSC Climate Faculty meeting: https://ucsc.zoom.us/j/8277115307?pwd=eTE2Q3JNcnRmS2RQVGtLcTN1VEFWdz09

June 15 - Thur eve 11:03pm - Occultaton of 12.4 star by 2001-SK107, from Santa Cruz but low rank. Odds 30% of a hit from Santa Cruz area. But, bright, lasts 1.0 seconds, alt=18 Az=140 in SE in Sagittarius. Worth a go. If Kirk observes from home, I will try from Mill St near DeLaveaga to get more separation. Karl's also possible. Planning and Results page Results: Clouded out for all, but Kirk at least drove up to Sunlit Lane. I bailed at last minute as satellite images said all of BD was clouded out.

June 19 - Mon morn 12:02am - Occultation of 13.9 by Nantong, from NE of Mt Hamilton, but not impossible from here, given the lowish rank. Since I plan to try imaging the Weywot target just before then, I'll stay and try this. Planning and Results page. Results: Kirk and I both recorded from the same location at the bike path crossing to Wilder Ranch State Park. I had a miss.

June 19 4am - Occultation of 12.7 by Karolinum.
21=alt, in Cetus Az=129. Through Santa Cruz and SC Mtns. Mediocre rank, but 41% odds of a hit so worth trying. I plan to try imaging the Weywot target around 11pm, then home for sleep, and try Karolinum from home. Fog may not arrive, is the hope. Karl's well positioned too. Planning and Results page. Results: Kirk and I both successfully recorded a "miss" from our respective homes.

June 21 3:32 am - Occultation of a 10.9 star by Hilda, in wide path through Bay Area and Monterey Bay. Results: I got a 12s event from Mill Rd, Kirk too, from home. Ted Swift and Jerry B got misses from home but were inside the path. No word yet from Liu and Osaki. Planning and Results Page.

Jun 22 Thur morn 1am - Occultation of r=14.6 star by Quaoar's moon Weywot, from Carrizo Plain south. 56% odds on centerline, 4s duration, 35 altitude due south. High value event. Planning and Results page. Results: This one looks impossible for our 8" scopes. Will not be making the trip to Carrizo for this. Results: Tests showed it was just too faint, so we did not go to Carrizo to attempt it. Turns out the path DID cross Carrizo Plain, as confirmed by observers in Flagstaff Az at the ACM Meeting.

Jun 23 Fri eve 10:17pm - Occultation of a 11.4 star by 2000-JD31 Alt=22. Planning and Results page Results: Kirk and I both successfully recorded misses from Carrizo Plain

Jun 24 Sat morn 2am - Occultation of a 12.0 by Astrid, from Carrizo Plain. Alt=25, Az=209. a few degrees from M22 Lagoon Nebula. Planning and Results page Results: Kirk and I both successfully saw positives of about 3 seconds, from Carrizo Plain at different chords. Kirk got a recording, but my camcorder heads failed to record.

July 1 Sat morn 1:27am - Occultation of 12.4 (r=11.8) by Gunila. Santa Cruz is on the centerline. Decent rank. Karl's inside the northern limit. Path goes through Phoenix too, so there are 11 observers signed up for this so far. If foggy, we'll migrate up to the mtns. But if not, I will want to try to motivate Paul Maley and another who have set themselves on the centerline. We've got way too many observers piled on the centerline. It's a good event, 6s long, 45 deg altitude in Aquila. Planning and Results page Results: We all got good data. I from Rodeo Gulch, Kirk from the BD Eco Reserve, Karl from home.

July 4 Tue 9:20pm - Occultation of a 13.5 (combined) by Kriemhild, high rank centered on Santa Cruz. BUT, the sun is at -9. Not much time to try to acquire this very dim star in a brigh sky. No moon. In Scutum. There's a twilight occultation I got last year that I should go back and look at. I don't have a strong intutition right now for whether a 13.4 can be seen in a sun= -9 twilight. Planning and Results page. Results: Karl got time-cramped finding the target in the twilight, then fogged out. Kirk got fogged out from upper UCSC. I had clear skies at Sunlit lane, and a recording but event was just too buried in the noise to get a reportable event, although event is apparently on images. No report submitted.

July 13 Thur 10pm - Occultation of a 12.5 by Pompeja, lots of observers signed up for this one, which goes through Santa Cruz, 11s long, good prospects for accurate astrometry and shape determination. Only 0.4 drop at 22 altitude, but long duration will allow long integration and a good signal/noise. Planning and Results page. Results: Successful 9.1s (me) and 10s events from me and Kirk. Recording failed for Karl. My IOTA report sent in 7/29/23.

July 14 Fri 10:20pm - Occultation of 12.4 by asteroid = "MrSpock". Through SC, low-ish rank. Planning and Results page . Results: Kirk and I both got ~0.8 sec positives from Empire Grade, a mile separated cross-track. Karl ran out of time. My IOTA report sent in July 23, 2023.

July 14 Fri 11:44pm - Occultation of an R=12.5 star by Aurora.
50% odds from anywhere local (RUWE high). 17s duration 0.5 mag drop in R, 0.1 mag in V. Our detectors have bandpass in between, so I'd guess we'll have a 0.3 mag drop, which is probably detectable under good conditions. Alt=18. Planning and Results page Results: Kirk and I both got successful recordings and 11 sec occultations. Karl ran out of time when scope drifted. My IOTA report sent in July 18

July 17 Mon morn 1am - Occultaton of 13.2 by Chanwainem. mediocre rank, 23% odds from Santa Cruz, 45% near centerline like Fremont Peak. alt=25 Sagittarius SSW. Results: Got clouded out by all. No travel done.

July 18 Tue eve 11pm- Occultation of 12.8 by Leonrisoldi, from Marina, but stay home, odds 27%, only 34% on centerline. 30 alt, only 0.7s duration so keep integration short. Planning and Results page. Results: Got a successful recording of a miss from upper meadow of UCSC. My IOTA report sent in 7/25/23. Kirk got a miss. Karl did not attempt.

July 20 - Occultation of a R=13.7 star by FountainHills, from Santa Cruz. Decent rank, high altitude in Pegasus, no moon, 1.8s long. A good long integration setting could get this one. Odds from downtown Santa Cruz are 58% and 51% from Upper Meadow UCSC where I'm planning to try from, assuming fog comes in again. Karl's odds 33%. Planning and Results page. Results: I observed from upper UCSC meadow, Kirk from "the berm" up Empire Grade, and Karl from home. Kirk and I got misses. IOTA report sent in 7/26/23. Karl's tape not reduced yet.

July 25 Tue morning midnight - Occultation of 14.3 by Rafita, from near SC. 22% odds from home, 66% from centerline in Monterey, but tough; only 1.3s duration. Will try from home. Planning and Results page Results: Kirk had a miss, I observed from Rincon St. also a miss. IOTA report sent in 7/27/23. Not sure about Karl.

July 25 Tue eve - Occultation of an 11.8 by Tolosa, from Santa Cruz south. Home is inside the southern limit, good odds of a hit. Up to 2.2s. Planning and Results page Results: Kirk and I got successful occultations. Karl observed but input plug to camcorder wasn't seated correctly - no data.

Aug 1 10:16pm - Occultation of 13.5 by Keiss. 17% odds from home Planning and Results page Results: I got clouded out, from home. Kirk, Karl did not attempt.

Aug 6 Sun 1am - Occn of 13.2 by Fringilla. SC on southern limit. 12s dur. 44 alt but only 0.3 drop in V (more in R?) and 17 deg from waning gibbous moon. Long integration, like 32x or 64x should do it, but can the sky be dark enough to allow that?Planning and Results page. Results: Got 11s posotives, me and Kirk. I did not send in my IOTA report till Aug 30. Report did not include the PyOTE log file as it was on the external HDD that failed Aug 29.

Aug 7 Mon 12:30am - Occultation of a 12.4 by Hilda from ~Santa Cruz south, but 62% moon. Maybe our solid June 21 observations will pin the path prediction better too? I claimed a site at Moss Landing to better my odds. Staying home gives 50/50 chance, but path stays in fog territory. Planning and Results Page. Results: I carpooled Kirk out to ag fields south of Watsonville, for two successful positives.

Aug 7 Mon 10pm - Occultation of 12.9 by Pompeja - from Santa Cruz. 30s dur, good event except RUWE. Planning and Results page Results: Kirk had a confirmed miss from "the berm" on Empire Grade. I probably had a miss, from top of Mtn Charlie Rd, but stretched tape failed to record. Visual live impression only. Karl was out of town.

Aug 12/13 - Astro trip to Laguna Mtn. Perseids 1am Aug 13 predicted max. good in dark sky. (Astro 25 for this weekend was cancelled). Results: We had a great trip, saw and photo'd some Perseids. Photo page (not done yet)

Aug 15 Tue 9pm - Occultation of 13.1 star by Oppavia. Decent rank, Paicines centerline. Currently debating whether to try it... Planning and Results page. Results: I drove Kirk and myself to Tres Pinos and myself to Panoche Rd near the centerline. For this high rank event, it should have been a slam dunk hit. But we both got "Maley'd" - centerline of high rank event and STILL a miss. IOTA report sent 8/17/23

Aug 16 - Wed 10:10pm - Occultation of a 14.0 by Scheherezade, from Santa Cruz. Rank=90. Duration 5s, so good odds of integrating well enough to get it. I will probably try from UCSC upper meadow. Good altitude in Pegasus of 36 degrees, Az=107. Planning and Results page. Results: A nice success, positives of 4-5s from upper UCSC, and "the Berm" from Kirk, and also Y. Liu in SiV. IOTA report sent 8/17/23.

Aug 17 Thur 10:55pm - Occultation of a 14.5 combined by Rauma, from Santa Cruz. High rank, through town. but only 1.6s duration. 25 deg altitude at 233 Az, in Scutum. If all works, it MIGHT be long enough to be significant enough to pass red bar test. Planning and Results page. Results: I got a successful recording of this faint star, from Sunlit Ln at 32x. Might have tried 16x and it would have worked in this very dark sky... but in any case it looks like a miss. No other observers.

Aug 24 Thur eve 7pm - Occultation of Antares on 57+ moon: D at 23s 6:41:41pm in daylight. R at 7:31:08pm at -48s and sun at 2deg altitude. Results: Kirk and I met at BD Airport, got some shots through fog. Not a great success. Photo page (posted on FB already).

Aug 26 Saturday eve - Occultation of a 10.2 stary by asteroid Alexandra - good event in Santa Cruz, but high RUWE=2.75 ; So I figure 50/50 odds. Planning and Results page Results: Kirk and I got solid positives of 26 seconds from the Eco Preserve, and me at Sunlit lane. Also Ted Swift.

Aug 28 Mon eve 11:18pm - Occultation of 11.0 star by Magion. Good event, OK rank, we're inside the path. Karl's just outside the eastern limit but still decent odds of a hit. Planning page. Results: Kirk got a 2s positive from "The Berm", and I had a definite miss from home, as did Karl from his home.

Sept 11 Mon at 9:06pm - Occultation of 13.6 star by Richilde, nominally from Pajaro south, High RUWE so 50/50 odds from Cabrillo outside my classroom. Planning page. Results: Kirk observed from Bonny Doon, I got a recording from Cabrillo College. Both of us got clear misses.

Sept 17 Sun 9:30pm - Occultation of 11.7 by 1992 SU14, from Panther Beach. Have to do very quick pack-up and drive south from HMB to get this. If skip Emannuela, then could drive to Fremont Peak but odds only 36%, and 41% on centerline, from Paicines. Not sure I want that kind of driving for a solo low rank event, but I'd be up for a carpool with Kirk for both events if we have clear coastal skies along Hwy 1, otherwise I'll try from home. Planning and Results page . Results: I got a 1.0s positive. Karl had star align trouble. Kirk was out of town at CalStar.

Sept 20 Wed 8:33pm - Occultation of 12.2 by Shtokolov, from home. High rank. 26 deg alt in Sagittarius. Planning and results page Results: I drove to the top of BD, fog still too deep. Clouded out.

Sep 21 Thur 10:07pm- Occultation of a 13.6 star by new contact-binary? Asteroid Tomoegozen, from Montara. 1.7s duration, 20 alt, in Serpens. Planning and results page. Results: Lots of work in planning, but smoke and fog convinced to not sacrifice Astro 9, and not make the drive north.

Sept 27 - Wed at 2:17am - Occ of 13.0 by asteroid 1999VP61 from Santa Cruz, about 50% odds. Results: Recorded from home. A miss. IOTA report sent Oct 25.

Oct 3 Tue 5:30am - Occultation of a 10.9 by Hugowolf. Karl's inside path, we're not, would have to drive up to Summit. Probably I won't; rank is not high enough and time is tough. Planning and results page Results: Only Karl observed this, got a 1s positive.

Oct 7 Sat 10:17pm - Occultation by Alexandra, from Santa Cruz - bright and easy but we're on the edge of the path. Planning and results page. Results: I got a positive from Mar Monte Rd. Kirk from water tank access Hort rd, Cabrillo, both rec at 4x. Kirk and I both pulled a positive out of difficult data. IOTA report sent in.

Oct 8 Sun - 4:00am Occultation of a 13.6 by 1997AL1, from SC Mtns. Planning and results page. Results: Observed from driveway/Rincon, got a 1.33s event, passed FP test, consistent with Kirk's similar event from his home. IOTA report sent Oct 25.

Oct 8 Sun 8:53pm - Occultation of w=10.7 star by Junichi, from Hough Park in SJ
. Clear skies still predicted. Planning and results page Results: I drove myself and Kirk to Hough Park in central San Jose, and we both got short occultations successfully. Karl may have gotten it too. Unreduced as of now.

Oct 11-15: Oct 14 - Saturday - Annular eclipse of the sun, through Great Basin National Park - planned as part of Astro 9ABC. Planning and results page

Oct 14 Sat eve 11:42pm - Occultation of 11.2 star by Katotsuyoshi. 2.3s full drop, Taurus. RUWE=1.45, through Santa Cruz, Benton, Tonopah, Great Basin NP. It also passes through south of June Lake, along Owens River Rd would be a good site, and for camping. Planning and results page Results: Both Kirk and I got ~1s positives from ~6 km apart near Owens River Rd in Eastern Sierra. Reported to IOTA

Oct 23 Mon 7:31pm - Occultation of a W=13.3 star by asteroid 2000 HB25, from Santa Cruz area. alt=37, Az=218. This would normally be a quite do-able event. The problem is, the predicted max duration is only 0.6 seconds. If I can integrate at 8x, that would be 1/8 second per integration, and 4 points potentially at zero level to define the occultation. The RUWE =1.6, a little high, and at Cabrillo College I'll be at the northern limit. Rank otherwise isn't bad. Planning and results page. Results: Too faint, sky too bright. Star invisible in 8" set up outside classroom 806. Kirk got a recording, but similar; just too faint.

Oct 25 Wed eve 9:42pm - Occultation of W=13.3 star by 2002TU36, from Santa Cruz. Kirk and I are on northern limit, odds=36%. Karl's on 1-sigma limit with 14% odds. Alt=31, Az=226 in Capricorn. Tough part is max duration is only 0.5s. That will require very short integration, like 8x at maximum 4x better. Is it possible in a bright moon sky to succeed with so little integration? I will be at Observatory with Astro 9. Forecast is clouds. Planning page. Results: Clouds remained over target until JUST before the event, and I didn't have time to get on-target before the event happened. Clouded out. Kirk may have something; waiting results...

Oct 28 Sat 7:58pm - Occultation of w=14.05 combined by Salonta, from Santa Cruz. We're on the center line but RUWE is a little high at 1.35. Mag drop=2.3, Dur=1.7s. Alt=24 Az=224 in Sagittarius. Full moon is a problem. I'll try it, if it's clear, likely from Cabrillo College. Will be good to get data on what integration we can get away with on a full moon night. Planning and results page.

Oct 30 Mon morn 4am - Occultation of a 10.6 star by asteroid 1997 EP17. 47% odds on centerline at St. Clares Retreat, but virtually zero from Santa Cruz city. Planning page Results: Neither Kirk nor I tried this one. Karl has "operator error" troubles and didn't get on it in time.

Oct 31 Tue eve 7:19pm - Occultation of a 10.9 star by asteroid 1992AJ, from Santa Cruz and Santa Cruz Mtns. High rank, wide path, bright star, but only lasts 0.6s. Might try to do this in field mode to get good astrometry accuracy and also help avoid saturation. Planning and Results Page. Results: I set up at Cabrillo's water tank, but the OccBox battery voltage was too low to power my gear. Kirk got data. Karl did not attempt.

Nov 1 Wed eve - Occultation of a 12.3 star by (5628) Pruessen, good rank, from Santa Cruz Mtns. Narrow path. I'm trying it from the Upper Meadow UCSC if clear. Planning page. Results: I got a recording in clear skies from the Upper Meadow bike crossing UCSC. Looked like a 0.7s occultation at 2x. Kirk went to "the Berm". Karl's ZR85 camcorder failed to record the short occn he watched live on screen.

Nov 8 Wed - 7:15pm - Give talk to SCAC on asteroid occultations, esp MIRA trip to SCAC. Results: Good, long talk, SCAC liked it! Kirk B video recorded and will tune it up and post it.

Nov 8 Wed - 11:06pm - Occultation of 13.1 by Penthesilea, high rank, need to drive to Redwood City "Pulgas Water Temple" area. Mag drop=1.0 for 8.6s, in Taurus alt=52. Maybe carpool with Kirk after the SCAC meeting? Planning and Results Page Results: I drove Kirk, after the SCAC talk, to Crystal Springs Reservoir and we both got good positives, me at 8x, Kirk at 16x.

Nov 11 Sat morn 12:15am - Occultation of an 11.2 by 1999CV22, from Hwy 17/Summit, and Karl's place. But RUWE=1.5. Nominal odds 82% from Summit, 61% for Karl. Planning page. Results: RN set up at Mtn Charlie monument, got a successful miss. KB nearby, also a miss. No obs from Karl.

Nov 20 - Mon 1:11am - Occultation of a W=13.3 star by 1999NU32, in Orion, alt=64, Az=144. Odds=50% from Santa Cruz at home. One more test for OccBox3 50% odds of a hit. Planning page. Results: Kirk and I both got a miss

Nov 20 - Mon 1:38am - Occultation of a W=12.9 star by 1985RR3
, from Santa Cruz. Poor rank, 23% odds from SC, worse for Karl. Planning page. Results: Kirk and I got recordings from our homes, both got positives, Karl got a miss, all of us from home

Nov 20 eve - Titania Occultation (Uranus moon), high value
event 11.8 star- Plan for MIRA observations are happening. Do-able for occultation purpose from small scopes, but detection of any atmosphere would be priority for big scopes. Anywhere north of Carrizo Plain is the predicted path. 73s duration, so good astrometry will be possible for such a bright star and short integrations. Planning and Results page. Results: Kirk and I at MIRA; me on 36", Kirk on the 14". Kirk got good data, I failed to get the video-in cable properly connected to the camcorder and instead have PowerShot video of the monitor. 64s occultation, no obvious evidence of an atmosphere. Karl got the R only, from home.

Nov 23 Thur morn 3:10am - Occultation of an 11.9 star by Baize, from Santa Cruz. Alt=77. Planning page. Results: I got set up from carport, but clouded out.

Nov 24 Fri eve - Occn of a 9.9 from Montara. Low alt=9 deg. Good rank, 2.3s, full. Planning and Results page. Results: Too tough; rising at low alt, looking into headlights of Hwy 1, poor no better site to observe from than north end of The Tunnel north of Moss Beach. Valiant effort, but couldn't ID the extinction-dimmed and headlight compromised star field, too few stars.

Nov 25 Sat eve 11:40pm PST- Occn of TNO = 2013LU28, low rank but 384 km 1-sigma. R=14.6 star. G=14.7 in Gemini. Ssee RECON page link at top of link Lucky Star event. Only 7% odds of a hit, so stay home, but high value LuckyStar event so give it a try. 4.4s duration. High altitude, but full moon 77 deg away. Planning and Results page page. Results: Star was too faint, in city lights and 98% moon light. Too hard for me, but Kirk got enough signal to rule out an occultation greater than 2s.

Dec 1 Fri 2:45am, occultation of a 13.8 star in Auriga by 1999TZ91. Only 8% odds at home. Planning page Results: Set up, but clouded out, for all 3 of our team
Dec 1 Fri morn 3:09am - Occultation of a W=13.5 star by (33112) 1998 BL1. 63% odds at home. Planning page. Results: Set up, but clouded out, for all 3 of our team

Dec 2 Sat eve - Occ of a 10.4 by 1998FZ32 from Santa Cruz. AAVSO variable star. Bright star, 50% odds from home, 36% odds for Karl. Planning and Results page. Results: For me, I muffed it. Telescope drift between eyepiece field and Watec field was consistently too extreme and despite early ID of star field, I taped stars I did not recognize, and was off-target.

Dec 4 - Mon 2:45am - Occultation of a 12.3 combined, by Bertha, from Santa Cruz and Mtns. Wide path, long event 13.7s, 0.5 mag drop. 34 deg up in Az=281 in the west. I'll have to drive a bit to escape trees. Good event. Planning and Results page . Results: Kirk and I both got solid positives.

Dec 9 - Sat eve 6:30pm - Occultation of a 10.9 at 13 alt, by 1999TV118, from King City - on the way to Carrizo Plain for another good event, then a Caliente Ridge hike/run.. 28% odds on centerline. Worth a go, we could get lucky, and would improve the orbit. 0.5s duration, so need good clean air and dark NE horizon. Planning and Results page Results: We had some cirrus but basically clear enough skies to record this from King City. I got a 0.38s event passing FP test, Kirk's camcorder failed to record.

Dec 9 Sat eve 10:01pm - Occultation of an 11.5 star by Tolkein, from north edge of Carrizo Plain. High rank, good altitude, 1.2s duration. Then continue to campsite and do Caliente Ridge Sunday. Planning and Results page Results: I got a ~0.6s positive. Kirk's camcorder failed to record. Both of us along Hwy 58.

Dec 12 Tue 7:30pm - Occultation of 13.5 star by Tololo, from Aptos and Santa Cruz, high rank. Will have to set up outside the 705 classroom on walkway below, Planning and Results page.

Dec 16 - Sat eve 7:39pm - Occultation of an w=11.0 star by asteroid 2000 XG18, from Aptos. Small, narrow path, but bright and good altitude. 0.6s duration. Skies look to be clear. I'm planning on trying it. Planning and Results page.

Dec 22 Fri morn 12:05am - Occultation of a 9.8 star by 2000 SP34. Centerline in Las Lomas, odds there only 35%. But part of a triplet of nearby occultations Friday morning. Maybe just try from home where my odds are 22%. Alt=69 Auriga. Planning and Results page. Results: Set up in driveway, got a definite miss. Kirk skipped.

Dec 22 Fri morn 3:47am - Occultation of a 12.2 by Timresovia from Santa Cruz. We're inside the path, high rank. I'd say try the 9.8 mag event from home, then sleep, then try this one from home. 1.7s duration. Karl's outside path, Kirk's closer to centerline, which is near Wilder Ranch but parallel to coastline. Planning and Results page. Results: I drove to Natural Bridges under clear skies. Got on target, then the sky clouded over rather suddenly just before the event. No data. Kirk skipped.

Dec 23 Sat 9:11pm - Occultation by (30500) 2000QC193 of a 12.6 for only 0.7 s. Odds 44% for Karl, not in SC. Karl can get from his front yard. If Karl's out of town and no meet up, then try it from the BD Church also near centerline. Alt=59 in Taurus, Moon 22 deg away will brighten sky. Planning and Results page Results: I got a 0.46s positive, high confidence, from the BonnyDoon church on BD Road.