Watec 910hx Tests on 10" Meade Scope

These are images of M25 at 20 to 17 degrees altitude. Using a Meade f/3.3 reducer, and the slightly longer 1.25" adapter on Watec to enable it to barely reach in to the clamping screw on the Celestron Meade-to-1.25" adapter (the alternative adapters gotten recently are too short), the Watec 910hx video camera, at various settings shown below. The star cluster was at 20 to 17 degrees above the SW horizon. Note, the Watec video out will bang against the LX200 base at altitudes higher than 77.5 degrees. The PC164cEX2 has only a thin cable which powers and video's out, and does not have this problem. I should test to see if a simple 1.25" diagonal would allow putting the camera on.

10" Meade LX200
Meade f/3.3 reducer
Celestron Meade-to-1.25" adapter
slightly longer plastic extender/adapter on Watec, in order to reach the clamping bolt on Celestron
Watec 910hx video camera

Field Marker for Watec 910hx FOV in this configuration, for entering into C2A: X= 20'40" by Y=14' 22"