Useful Links

Light Pollution Map of the Western U.S.

Our favorite local observing sites

Weather Sites

Our weather page - has links to web sites relevant for judging cloud cover, seeing, etc.

CalSky - a great astronomical calendar site. One great feature is the ability to see what the planets look like at any time, for photo planning purposes. - a great site with lots of connections mostly on the solar flares, the northern lights, and the solar wind.

Light pollution map of the United States. Click on the map for a higher resolution version suitable for choosing your next astrphoto trip to the hinterlands. Another version here. And Southern California is here.

Astro Sites

IAU Minor Planet Center - for finding the latest ephemerides of new comets, asteroids, suitable for any of the commercial software packages for navigating the sky on computer.

Future Comet Visibilities - A great site with exactly what observers want for planning upcoming comet photography and viewing. And here's Comet Rendezvous, showing comet conjunctions with deep sky objects - it appears to have been abandoned, but I keep the link in case it ever rises zombie-like from the dead.

IOTA - International Occultation Timing Association site, the prime site for the best info and links to everything relating to lunar and asteroid occultations.

Recent Supernovae - a constantly updated list of all supernovae discovered and published in the IAU telegrams. If you want to photograph galaxies with supernovae, this is the place to start.

Steve Preston's Asteroid occultation site - is the official go-to page for the latest updates on asteroid occultation paths, finder charts etc. This is where I go to generate the pages I take with me before asteroid occultation observing.

Denis Denisenko's pages on long range special asteroid occultations.

Santa Cruz Astronomy Club - our other local amateur astronomy group, whose starparties at Bonny Doon Airport are frequently our extra-credit starparties for my Astro 10 students.

Sky and Telescope - website for the famous magazine. Also a good source for the latest astro discoveries; meteor showers, comets, novae, supernovae, and the latest in research discoveries presented in a readable way.

Eclipse maps and weather prospects for eclipses, including cloud cover % globally for each month of the year. Great for far-flung astro travel planning!

AstroGuyz - a great blog of events in the sky and the latest in astro discoveries

Other Bay Area Astronomy Facilities, Lecture Opportunities

Fujitsu Planetarium - at De Anza Community College. Weekend and school group show schedules.

The Astronomy Connection - Bay area amateur astronomy network

UC Santa Cruz Astronomy Department colloquium schedules

UC Santa Cruz Physics colloquium schedule

UC Santa Cruz Institute for Geophysics and Planetary Physics (IGPP) colloquium schedule

The SETI Institute Colloquium Series

MIRA Institute Public Talks and Star Parties in Monterey