There are few places on earth as beautiful as the Eastern Sierra in fall colors. Dave Wyman and the ImageQuest crew moved this year's trip to a weekend so I could bring my gear and help the assembled photographers (if they chose to brave the cold) photograph the sky and Comet SWAN. I'm grateful, and was inspired enough to shoot through all of my memory cards, including the 1 gig. It'll take some time to slowly put this page together and keep it of download-able size. Dave Wyman's excellent photo page is here.

Backlit sage on Mono Lake

tufa towers...

in reflection

Next morning at dawn in Bodie, an ancient pulley for taking ore down from the mountain

Glass acts like a very viscous liquid, and after 100 years it's starting to sag quite bit. Old barn in reflection.

Bolts on Bodie mining machinery

A golden-haired model, ancient Old Gold ad, lit by golden afternoon light

The Bodie church

Kerosene lamp

There's more photo's to polish up for Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning (I know, it's been over a year and I'm still not caught up). On the way home, more beautiful places to explore...

A grove of brilliant aspen across the road from Mono Lake

A photogenic spring in Yosemite Valley