The Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy held an auction/fundraiser and raised almost $12,000. The winner invited a number of friends and family to enjoy a night under the stars. Dave Wyman, Irene, Richard, and myself were the reward! We put on a family camping trip, complete with a nice dinner, 'smores around the campfire, wine, evening slide shows from Dave's collection of incredible images, and my own presentation I put together showcasing the Cabrillo field astronomy programs. The trip was at Robb Hill campground in the Presidio in San Francisco and was a great success. We had classic San Francisco summer fog Friday evening, and Saturday dawned to a beautiful blue sky. Alas, my trusty Dimage 5 digital camera appears to have developed "battery eating syndrome" and I didn't get nearly the shooting I'd hoped, having drained through 24 batteries just to get a dozen pictures. But I got a few that are fun and give the flavor of the adventure. Enjoy!

Friends forever

Some soccer fun before dinner

Hmmm, are headers good for your IQ?

The boys were tossing everything into that fire

Our guitarist leads some folk songs

More fire fun...

Sugar rushing on burned marshmallows