Cultural Mirages: Route 66 and the Mojave Desert 2007

Day 2: Saturday and the Journey to Amboy

Saturday morning in Newberry Springs, breakfast at the Bagdad Cafe, of cult movie fame.

Memorabilia at the Bagdad Cafe...

Old piano at the Bagdad


Near the Bagdad, Mary keeps memorabilia from her Danny, close friend from bygone days

Evocative peeling paint on the old Whiting Gas Station at Mary's

Danny's ancient piano

Canned peaches... past their prime

Next stop, Pisgah Crater - a volcano southeast of Ludlow which last erupted only about 20,000 years ago

Pisgah Crater is laced with underground lava tubes, which has attracted a group of young cavers. They were kind enough to invite us to their favorite cave and light our way

A serious underground adventure requires proper hydration

Down the hole

Tom Sawyer and Injun Joe, anyone?

The Ghost of Pisgah

The climb back to the light

Next stop - a special treat as we were allowed by the caretaker to set up our lunch spread inside the old Roy's Cafe

At the National Chloride boneyards on Searle Dry Lake...

Dave Wyman ponders reflections in a psychotic-ly rendered salt pool

Broken glass shards re-image the setting sun

Amboy Volcanic Crater and sunset

The main rail line through Amboy

Day 3: Dead trucks and dark storms.

Day 1: Tom's Welding and Sunset.