This race fit with Rick's training plan to put in a good half marathon 6 weeks later, at Walnut Creek. My psoas gave me much grief during much of 2018, and I was only beginning to get some value out of some PT advise from Jeff Moreno and some other experiments. So, I wasn't wanting to do a 10 mile pavement race, settling for the 5 mile version. That was painful enough! But great to do a race in town and see so many familiar faces and friends.

Not sure what was the deal here - Ferrell needing a bush, behind the ambulence?

Brave smile before the start

Hunny was there too, but cheering this time and not running.

Mass start for both races

Climbing out of Capitola

Adorable kids provided encouragement along the route

Shaken, baked, and done.

Ferrell looks strong at the close

Rick and Steve

Carmen too - great race!

Cat and Rick

Rick, Steve, Debbie, Cat, and me