Publications - Richard Nolthenius

See my entry here in the NASA Astrophysics Data System for another compilation of these and other publications

Herald, D., ...Nolthenius, R, "New Double Stars from Asteroid Occultations 1971-2008", 2010, Journal of Double Stars, 6, #1, p.88

Herald, D., ... Nolthenius, R., "244 Geocentric Asteroid Astrometry Observations", 2009, Minor Planet Circular 66629

Brodbeck D., Hellinger D., Primack J.R. & Nolthenius R.A. "Visualizations of CDM/CHDM Cosmologies vs. CfA1", 1998, Astroph. J. 495, 1

Burstein, D., Bender, R., Faber S.M. & Nolthenius R. 1995 Astron. Let. Comm. 31, 95

Burstein D, Bender R., Faber S.M. & Nolthenius R.A. 1997, "Global Relationships Among the Physical Properties of Stellar Systems", Astron. J. 914, 1365

Nolthenius R.A., Klypin A., Primack J.R., 1997 "Galaxy Groups, CDM/CHDM Cosmologies, and The Value of Omega", Astroph. J. 480, 43

Somerville R., Primack J.R., & Nolthenius R.A., etal., 1997, "The Small Scale Velocity Dispersion of Galaxies: A Comparison of Cosmological Simulations", Astroph. J. 479, 606

Dave' R., Hellinger D., Primack J.R., Nolthenius R.A., 1997, MNRAS 284, 607

Klypin A., Nolthenius R.A., & Primack J., 1997, "CHDM Cosmologies: Analysis of Numerical Simulations", Astroph. J. 474, 533

Hampton M., Henry, G.W., Eaton, J.A., Nolthenius, etal, 1996, "HD 12545; A Study in Spottedness", PASP 108, 68

Burstein, D. Bender, R., Faber, S.M., & Nolthenius, 1995, "Towards Understanding the Physical Properties of Stellar Systems", Astroph. Lett. & Comm. 31, 95

Wasson, R., Hall, D.S., Hargrove, A.W., Bertoglio, A., Nolthenius, R., etal. "10 years of Eclipse Timings to Refine Period of V819 Her", 1994, Astron. J. 107, 1514

Nolthenius, R., Klypin, A., and Primack, J. 1994, "Galaxy Group Analysis; A Robust Discriminator Between Cosmological Models", 1994, Astroph-941095

Nolthenius, R., Klypin, A., and Primack, J. 1994, "Galaxy Groups in Cold+Hot and CDM Universes: Comparison with CfA", Astroph. J. Lett., 422, L45

Foing, B. H., Char, S., Jankov, S., Catala, C., Zhai, D. S., Akan, C., Aslanov, A., Avellar, P., Ayres, T., Baudrand, J., Cao, H., Chatzichristou, H., Cuby, J. G., Cutispoto, G., Czarny, J., Dreux, M., Felenbok, P., Floquet, M., Ghosh, K., Guerin, J., Huang, L.,

Hubert, A. M., Hubert, H., Huovelin, J., Hron, J., Ibanoglu, C., Jiang, S., Jinxin, H., Keskin, V., Mavridis, L., Neff, J., Nolthenius, R., Petrov, P., R. de la Reza, Savanov, I., Scherbakov,A., Simon, T., Tuominen, I., Vogt, S., Zihe, G., "Active Surface Structures and First Detection of Optical Flares on HR 1099 from the MUSICOS 89 Campaign", 1994, Astron. and Astroph. 292, 543

Nolthenius, R. A., 1992, "A Revised Catalog of CfA Galaxy Groups and Clusters in the Virgo/Great Attractor Flow Field", Astroph. J. Suppl., 85, 1

Nolthenius, R. A., 1991, "Recent Upgrades to the RPHOT Photometry Software Package", I.A.P.P.P. Comm. 45, 18

Nolthenius, R. A., 1992, "RPHOT Release 2.0: A UBVRI and Occultation Acquisition and Reduction Software Package for PC-Based Observatories", Research Amateur Astronomy, Proceedings; ASP Conference Series 33, 135

Snyder, L. F., Corwin, T. M., Nolthenius, R. A., Poole,  M. A., Smith, M. S., and Wolpert, R. C., 1991 "New Very Small Amplitude, Very Short Period Red Variables", I.A.P.P.P. Comm. 45, 53

Nolthenius, R. A., 1991, "HD 12545: A Record Photometric Amplitude for an RS CVn Star", I.B.V.S. 3589

Nolthenius, R. A., 1991, "BV Observations of the Oct. 1990 Eclipse of 22 Vul", I.B.V.S. 3587

Dunham, David W., et al.,...Nolthenius, R., et al., 1990, "The Size and Shape of Pallas from the 1983 Occultation of 1 Vulpeculae", 1990, Astron. J. 99, 1636.

Nolthenius, R. A., 1989, "RPHOT: An Automated Photometry Data Acquisition and Reduction Package for the IBM PC Computer", I.A.P.P.P. Comm. 37, 22.

Nolthenius, R., and White, S. D. M., 1987, "Groups and Clusters in Cold Dark Matter Universes and the CfA Survey", Mon. Not. Royal Astr. Soc. 225, 505.

Nolthenius, R., and Ford, H. C., 1987, "Dynamics of the Outer Disk and Halo of M31", Astroph. J. 317, 62.

Nolthenius, R., and Ford, H., C., 1986, "The Mass and Halo Dispersion Profile of M32", Astroph. J. 305, 600.

Nolthenius, R. "The Distribution and Dynamics of Planetary Nebulae in M32 and the Andromeda Galaxy" 1984, PhD Thesis UCLA.

Nolthenius, R. A., and Katz, J. I., 1983, "The Infall of a Star into a Massive Black Hole", Astroph. J. 269, 297.

Nolthenius, R. A., and Katz, J. I., 1982, "The Passage of a Star by a Massive Black Hole", Astroph. J. 263, 377.

Millis, R. L., et al.......Nolthenius, R. A., et al., 1981, "The Diameter of Juno from its Occultation of AG +0 1022", Astron. J. 86, 306.

And Some Miscellaneous Web Mentions

An account of my adventure with the great Leonid Meteor Storm of '66.