The warmest day of the new year, and at sunset it was still shirtsleeve weather down on the beach, a mile from my place. A great moment for a run. What a great town to live in, to have nights like this....

This young girl frolicked in the waves, and just for a moment...

...paused to enjoy.


If only all of us could have such perfect posture!

I doffed my Asic's and ran barefoot from the Dream Inn down to the river, and on the return was treated to this scene with the 5% cresent moon, Venus, and Mercury over the wharf

A beautiful skyline. Mercury is there in the palm trees below the moon

The bright star below the moon is the deep red variable star TX Piscium - bringing back memories of my Yuma days in '72. One night I drove to Parker on the Colorado River to watch as this star skipped among the dark mountains on the edge of the moon just before moonset. TX Piscium is the brightest example of a rare class of star - a Carbon Star. Like the Peanuts character Pigpen, these stars carry around a cloud of dust made from carbon graphite ejected in a stellar wind, reddening their color to the outside world.

The moon accompanys two Santa Cruz landmarks.