A crisp Fall day in Nicene Marks was a wonderful opportunity to do a long run, and follow that up with a romp through the wilds with Becky and Ezra. Ezra LOVES the redwood forest and especially playing in the creek. The little guy is endlessly fun to explore with! The Fall colors inspired me to create some watercolor renderings, which I hope you'll like as much as I do.

On West Ridge Trail runs, this is the place to stop and refresh, and drink my fill of stream water to save my CamelBak for higher up

November sunlight hitting maple leaves on the hillside light the scene, as I run up to the ridge.

After my run, I met Becky at the entrance. Ezra's been a sleepy head on the drive, it seems.

I teach Ezra some crude sword play.... it's a guy thing.

It appears I'm getting the upper hand here...

But then, Ezra steals my sword and declares victory! (is that in the rule book?)

Ezra explores the remains of an ancient car

Leaves, logs, and stream reflections, in watercolor

Ezra runs ahead, glad to have a big wide river bank of rocks and leaves to have fun with

Fall colors in Nicene Marks State Park are gorgeous


Ezra, in blue. I love this image!