I volunteered once again this year to be a judge, as last year was so much fun. I love seeing kids having fun with science!. My good friend Rick Ferrell's daughter Jamie once again did a project, and asked for some help in getting photos of the moon to work with. In January I brought over Cabrillo's 10" LX200 telescope and showed her how to take digital images of the moon. She did a beautifully presented project measuring the dimensions of craters on the moon using shadows and geometry.
Couldn't help but notice that 10 of the 12 finalists were young women - great news for the next generation of scientists, but come on, guys! You're getting hammered - pull it together!
Jamie's good friend Kayla also did a cosmically inspired project - she tested whether astrology can really predict people's personalities. It was a very well constructed test, and showed a correlation no better than random chance - the same result as the Big Science tests on astrology! Nicely done, Kayla! |