Observer: Richard Nolthenius (831) 479-6506, rinolthe at
Asteroid, Star: (164) Eva, HIP 59004 (m=9.3)
Telescope: 10" f/10 LX200 alt/az
Location: Montara Hostel, CA. 37° 32' 08"N, 122° 31' 06"W elev 85ft. (NAD83/WGS84) coordinates from USGS map at
Method: Voice/WWV/tape recorder
Sky: clear, good seeing, star visibility: easy bright star well above mag limit. Solid.
Dec 11, 2006 UT (miss)
begin: 11:57:30UT
end: 12:01:30UT
Comments: Star was easy to follow and there were no events longer than perhaps 0.1 or 0.2 seconds. The predicted event length for a central occultation was 6seconds, so it looks like a miss.