Vibilia - Sept 15, 2006
Observer: Richard Nolthenius (831) 479-6506, rinolthe at
Asteroid, Star: (144) Vibilia, TYC 1879-00346-1
Telescope: 10" Meade LX200 f/10, equatorial, 100x magnification
Location: Hwy 25 near Pinnacles National Monument, CA. W.Long= 121 09.02, N. Lat 36 32.23, elev 1335ft, WGS84 coordinates from GPS and elevation from USGS map at
Method: Voice/WWV/tape recorder
Sky: clear, excellent seeing, mag=10.1 star easily visible; limiting magnitude 13 or so.
Timings: Sep 15, 2006 UT
begin 10:26:30UT
D: 10:27:08.18, acc=0.15sec, RT=0.42sec
R: 10:27:14.92 acc=0.15sec, RT=0.39sec
end: 10:29:00 UT
Comments: Hectic getting to the beginning of observations, but after the "begin" above, observations are very solid. Limiting magnitude was about 13; Both D and R were gradual, taking 0.3 seconds. The times refer to the geometric occultation moment (25% of full brightness).
Reported to: Notification of this web posting sent to IOTAoccultations yahoo group and David Dunham