Astro 25 Summer 2018 - Chimney Peak Wilderness

Post-Trip Photo Page

Thanks, my students! For helping make this such an enjoyable trip. We had some challenges, what with the clouds for our big Asteroid Occultation, and a bit hotter than I'd hoped too. But we also had some incredible meals, great views of the Summer Milky Way and lectures on star formation, stellar evolution, the Big Bang and how the Inflationary Paradigm makes a living universe explainable and not miraculous. We also had some cool times swimming in the Kern River on both Saturday and Sunday, and incredible Native American pictographs to study and try to match with seasonal directions. Thanks to Kirk Bender, our Astro Club volunteer, for his Flickr photo page, I grabbed a few of his excellent shots, and added the rest from my little PowerShot pix.

captions, and more pictures to come, soon....