May 15-17, 2009
Mt. Lassen National Park in the Cascades Range. This is a spectacular venue for studying planetary science up close. We'll stay at Hat Creek group campground, site GP1 (reservations already made) and then drive to nearby Mt. Lassen to tour the park and it's geologic sites on Saturday. We would hope to tour the new SETI observatory site a few miles from camp, where scientists are searching for ETs. Hat Creek has a trout stream running through it, and pitch black skies for doing astronomy. With just a little luck, JP (long time Cabrillo Astronomy Club member who moved up north) might join us and contribute his enthusiastic energy and hopefully his 25" (!!) Dobsonian monster telescope for unbelievable views of the galaxies of the Spring sky. Look at our previous trips to this location - Astro 28H in '03, and Astro 28P in '06
Springtime can be dicey for Mt. Lassen - a heavy snow late in the season might still be a problem. However, that's very unlikely at this point - as 2008/9 is shaping up as another drought year. In the spectacularly unlikely event that a late snow storm comes in, we'll relocate our course to a lower elevation location. Stay tuned to this webpage, and when I see you at our pre-trip meeting we should also have a solid weather forecast for the area as well. Note that Hat Creek campground had the last of its snow melt in early April and temperatures there now are quite warm. We'll have a concentrated dose of astronomy, geology, and fun. I'll do my famous group meals, including a French Crepes breakfast on Saturday. We'll keep busy during the day and give you a break in the late afternoon for some of your own exploring before meeting up again for dinner. Join us!