Websites for Learning More
Santa Cruz Climate Action Network - a calendar of climate activist and related events
Facebook Climate Science Fact of the Day
SkepticalScience - award-winning site debunking climate denialist myths - staffed by IPCC climate scientists discussing new science with the public
CO2 Scorecard - provides data on CO2 emissions
"Making Sense of Climate Science Denial" - John Cook's MOOC
Sci-News - a great site for summaries of the latest published science in all areas, including climate
Project Drawdown - carbon sequestration in soil, and other ideas. - Ideas for how to cut the carbon footprint of your school
Activist Organizations for Climate Justice
* AAVAZ - An organization with a bit more "edge" in their advocacy for a clean future
* Extinction Rebellion - New and important! They stage in-the-streets political action in a forceful way. New Santa Cruz chapter is active. Ask me.
* - Bill McKibbin's organization, educating and lobbying for reducing CO2 levels
* Citizen's Climate Lobby - sole purpose is to lobby Congress to pass Tax-and-Dividend legislation. Their CCL YouTube channel
* Soil Carbon Coalition
* The Pachamama Alliance - a key goal is to force governments to grant rights to Nature herself; for a clean Earth for future generations
* The Union of Concerned Scientists - one of their activities is debunking phoney climate denial claims
* Climate Resistance Handbook (forward by Greta Thunberg)