A small class this Fall, but good chemistry in our group, and we had a great time doing our astro photos, getting good variable star data, and also enjoyed a field trip to attempt a Tuesday evening occultation by the asteroid Ivar from UCSC.
Michael Salo, Crab Nebula (M1) in Taurus, 12" Meede LX200, ST2000XCM, 5x5min exposures. Taken for Melanie 11-11-2017, 9:45PM, sky conditions - unknown. CCD cooled to 24C. Images processed into 16 bit TIFF, 20 deg dark field subtracted with image:dk5-20.ST2K. Flat field correction preformed using image: fSep22-15-3.ST2K. Color conversion performed using sRGB+gamma "method." Images stacked with Registack5.1 software. Stacked image manipulated with Photoshop: S-curve adjustement performed to darken dimmer pixels reducing skyglow and improving contrast. No color adjustment and minimal cropping performed.
Derek Beuerman - Helix Nebula
This is a long exposure astrophoto of the Helix / Sunflower Nebula (NGC 7293 / Caldwell 63). The Helix Nebula is a magnitude 7.3 planetary nebula that resides in the constellation of Aquarius, at a distance of 700 light years from Earth. Observations of the Helix Nebula was first recorded in 1824 by a German astronomer named Karl Ludwig Harding.
It was taken at the Cabrillo observatory (by another student) on 11/10/15 at 8 PM, with an ST2000XCM camera and a 12" Meade LX200 Cassegrain telescope. A total of four, five-minute-long exposures were taken while the object was at +31° in altitude. Unfortunately, only three were used during the stacking process due to the object drifting considerably in the field of view.
The separate five-minute exposures were taken whilst the sky was clear and dark, with no moon present and a camera chip temperature of -29°. For each exposure in the final stack i used CCDOPS to subtract a dark frame, a flat field frame and then i finished each one with RGB color conversion. After stacking the individual frames via Registax i processed the final image in Photoshop. Through Photoshop i enhanced the contrast, light curves, color saturation, reduced camera grain and color noise.
Wizard Nebula (NGC 7380) (Ray Rogers)