Spring 2007 Astro 8A Photo Gallery

Once again this semester, we used the ST2000XCM, as our imaging camera. We used the 8" f/4 LXD75 and GM8 instead of the Megrez refractor. This combination gives about twice the light gathering power, and slightly smaller field of view - both a big advantage in the Spring, when galaxies rule the sky. Our crew had its challenges, as cloudy skies and short dark times and occasional computer problems all conspired. But experience helped us still make the most of the opportunities.

Corynn made this nice image of the Whirlpool Galaxy M51. sRGB+gamma. 3x5min stack in Registax 3, Photoshop CS2: levels, AstroTools 'make stars smaller', 'space noise reduction', 'deep space noise reduction', smart sharpen, saturation, cropped. Fog came in during the final image. The off-center composition appealed to her, like a frisbee in the Universe she said. OK...the more I look at it, the more it kinda grows on you.

Ben's image of the Orion Nebula - 2x5min, sRGB+gamma, stacked in Registax 3, Photoshop CS2/AstroTools: 'space noise reduction', 'deep space noise reduction', levels, saturation, smart sharpen, cropped.

Emily made this image of the open cluster M36 in Auriga. 2x5min, sRGB+gamma, flat fielded, stacked in Registax 3, Photoshop CS2: levels, saturation, cropped

Jacob took this nice image of the M81/M82 group in Ursa Major. Moonlight made for a bright sky. 2x5min, sRGB+gamma, stacked in Registax 4. Photoshop CS2/AstroTools: Levels, cropped,

Lucas made this image of the M81/M82 group, under passing clouds and lens fog. sRGB+gamma, 2x5min stack in Registax 4. Photoshop CS2/AstroTools: levels, 'make stars smaller', 'space noise reduction', 'deep space reduction'.

M35 in Gemini and its distant globular counterpart

Nathan's Orion Nebula image is pretty amped up, but it's also got a good balance between the fainter outskirts and the bright core, using the Photoshop "high dynamic range" command.

Debbie's M101 image suffered from a focal plane not quite parallel to the chip. Our new Moonlight focuser should put an end to this intermittant irritant: 2x5min stacked in Registax 3. Photoshop CS2/AstroTools: 'space noise reduction', 'deep space noise reduction', 'make stars smaller', levels, saturation, despeckle, cropped. I tweeked it myself a bit before posting here.