Spring '09 Photo Gallery

Spring is a tougher time to get great photos, unless you get them early, when the Winter Milky Way is not lost in the light pollution of Santa Cruz. Also, we have shorter days now that daylight savings time starts in early March. But, each team but one got their photo's (Jake got photos of the Plieades but in bad bad clouds, and he ended up working with the raw photos from an earlier semester). In each picture below, I've done my own final touch-ups before posting.

Darryl's Comet Lulin image, with the comet past its prime but still far enough up in the west do get a decent shot.

Katie worked up this nice image of the Owl Nebula. Got the colors just right, I believe.

Alex H's version of the Owl

Allison's nicely done image of the M81 + M82 group

The Whirlpool Galaxy M51, by Eric

Alex E's version of the M81/M82 group

David's M101 project

Lauren's version shows some faint galaxies to the lower left

Tony's Orion Nebula

Ally's version of the Whirlpool Galaxy

Rory's Owl Nebula