The Museum of Natural History wanted to create a First Friday big event, highlighting astronomy. Matt H of Cabrillo College was put in charge and reached out to me for bringing myself and students from my courses to show the moon and planets to the Santa Cruz Community. Also present was the San Jose Astronomical Society, UCSC Astronomy, members of other Monterey Bay astronomy groups, food and other vendors. It was well attended, with about 200 people in attendence. I set up the 8SE scope and showed off the amazingly strong sunspots of the current day, explained the liklihood of rare auroral displays the following night as 3 X-class solar flare / CME events were hurtling towards Earth. I explained the magnetic origins of sunspots, and after sunset, showed the 1% waxing crescent moon low in the twilight, and Venus, and Saturn. Former and current students also came by and / or helped with explations and with set up, includine my current TA Cade Knorr, past student and Hartnell planetarium director Andy Kreyche, and past Cabrillo Astro students dating back as far as 20 years ago. It was a good night, and I also thoroughly enjoyed showing the planets to the kids who accompanied their parents here.
Cabrillo Astro Ad page w/ Courses