A Community Star Party! At Cabrillo College Observatory

Friday Dec 5, 2024

5:30-8:00 pm


Come Join Us at Cabrillo College Observatory For a Free Evening Under the Stars.

* See the planets Venus, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune!

* See the crescent moon among the stars of Capricorn!

* We'll examine the bright nearby star clusters of the Plieades, the Hyades, and the famous Double Cluster in Perseus.

* Astronomer Rick Nolthenius, Cabrillo College Astronomy Department Chair will guide you through the evening stars, show you our home-made custom built Observatory, with a 12" LX200 Schmidt Cassegrain telescope, CCD camera imaging, portable Celestron 8SE telescope with computer "Go To" capability.

* Bring your own tripod and camera and I'll help you get some photographs; the stars behind the redwood studded ridges that surround our Observatory are cool!

* Bring Snacks to share if you'd like, and I'll have some laid out on our tables too.


How To Find us - Here's a map to the Observatory:

See below the campus map and the "Well Road" (a dirt road!) to the Observatory. Park along the sides of the road when you get near but not at the end of the road. When you turn in to the little dirt road drive entrance, you'll see a green closed gate, and a key pad on your left. On the keypad, I'll have a yellow "sticky" with a 4 digit code. Push in the code and the gate will open. The code will only work for this one night, and I'll generate it when I arrive early to get things set up. When you leave, slow down when you approach the gate and it will open into your direction automatically.




Some Post Star Party Images I took after our Party...