My "Climate Change" Interview on UCSC Radio Station KZSC

Apr 21, 2016

At the recent UCSC Climate Conference I got a chance to meet the station scheduler and have the opportunity to talk climate with our community on Apr 21 at 7:00-8:30pm. It's on 88.1 FM. Hope you can listen, and perhaps call in with questions!

Map to the radio station

My Notes and Figures


I ran up and arrived 20 minutes early, got squared away. Just before start time, Tamrya arrived. We didn't have time to decide on what questions she might ask me. Wish I'd known I'd be called on for detailed commentary on Jacobson, or I'd have made more careful notes on my quick readthru of that paper, which is getting a lot of attention because it's such a can-do happytalk paper.

I got a full 90 minutes instead of 45min, as cartoonist deCenzo didn't show up for the second segment so I agreed to stay. The recordings aren't complete, but most of what I had to say is there. The 5 parts have gaps.

Mark R's recording: The .mp3 file of the first 45 minutes of the interview

My student Julia's recording: pt1, pt2 , pt3 , pt4 , pt5