The eclipse is maximum here at 11:12am, with 36% coverage of the sun. A decent partial eclipse and near solar maximum so we should have some nice sunspots to get photos with. I'll be setting up the 8SE telescope on the Amphitheater at Cabrillo College to show passers-by students the eclipse. I'll be inviting my Astro 4 morning class to join in.
Here's a link to local timings and weather prediction (avg, climate conditions, not detailed, but detailed cloud coverage can be predicted and will be shown here). Times won't vary by more than a few seconds for anywhere in the southern Bay Area of SF and Monterey. If we're lucky, it might look something like this...
Eclipse begins: 10:12:20am
Max eclipse (36% of diameter covered) 11:12:40am
Eclipse end: 12:16:10pm
I need to leave at 12:40pm, so be sure to come by before then.
We had a great confab! Clear skies, and I'd announced the eclipse party to all NAS faculty, and all my students, and also to community organizations like CCL and UCSC students as well, and we had a good turnout of over 100 people; students mostly. I distributed eclipse glasses, and set up the GTF81 scope and so they could see the eclipsed sun well, with the solar filter firmly attached to the front lens cover. I set up at 9:30am, and the eclipse star party went until 11:30am, when I began to take things down. Here's some images from the event...