The Occultation of a W=14.6 Star by Asteroid 1992 JB2

Mon Jan 6 at 10:56pm

OWc page


This event passes through Santa Cruz, so is do-able from home. Jan 6 I will be giving a public talk on nuclear power at the Louden Nelson Center. That ends at 9pm, hopefully time enough for me to run home and get this. Kirk also plans to try this.

Q70 image LCD image      



Richard Nolthenius

I observed from home. Got a recording but not of the target field, I believe. Not downloaded as I write this.

Feb 2, 2025: The second recording is missing. or taped over, as I did not successfully find the target. I had little time to set up, since the Louden Nelson talk I gave on nuclear power lasted until almost 10pm as we had to not only end conversations but also break down the seats and equipment and pack it all up and leave the room as we found it. I've got no data record of this at this point. My memory is that I was not successful, since I in fact got the date wrong the first time, and recorded 1 day early, successfully a "miss" of course. But the true date I was not able to find the target in time.




Kirk Bender

Kirk got a 3.7s positive. More details soon. He sent me his reductions, not Photoshop'd and posted here yet.