The Occultation of a W=13.9 Star (combined) by Asteroid Luthera

Jan 9, 2025 Thur at 7:53:55pm

OWc page

This is a long 6.8 s event, so although the target is faint, we should have a good chance at maping the shape well, and even seeing a moonlet if one exists. Alt=53, Az=80





Kirk observed from home, successfully, but could not judge any fading. I got a recording, clear ~4-5 s long significant dimming as predicted. Visual on monitor. Not reduced

Richard Nolthenius

I set up at the Twin Gates mtn bike crossing, on the east side. Perfect clear clean skies, but a bit of a breeze did blur the stars from time to time but not during the occultation. I may have to use dynamic mask for PyMovie. I saw a clear ~4-5s event at 16x from my external monitor. 

At sunset, the moon passed through the heart of the Plieades star cluster. Now, 2 hrs later, the cluster was emerging from the moon's glare

We had a few strong gusts of wind which I tried to protec the scope from, using the jacket I was wearing spread like BatMan, carefully.

The middle drop is the occultation, the others are short or long wind gusts

The best calibration was  fairly short smoothing.

The occultation was only about a 50% drop in total brightness

The PyOTE version I used took forever to find the event solution. Don't know why. I used D and R intervals. 25 possible solutions shouldn't have taken long.

Passes False Positive test easily.



magDrop report: percentDrop: 50.2 magDrop: 0.758 +/- 0.129 (0.95 ci)

DNR: 2.61

D time: [03:53:53.9115]
D: 0.6800 containment intervals: {+/- 0.1136} seconds
D: 0.9500 containment intervals: {+/- 0.3518} seconds
D: 0.9973 containment intervals: {+/- 0.8318} seconds

R time: [03:53:59.0314]
R: 0.6800 containment intervals: {+/- 0.1136} seconds
R: 0.9500 containment intervals: {+/- 0.3518} seconds
R: 0.9973 containment intervals: {+/- 0.8318} seconds

Duration (R - D): 5.1199 seconds
Duration: 0.6800 containment intervals: {+/- 0.1794} seconds
Duration: 0.9500 containment intervals: {+/- 0.4385} seconds
Duration: 0.9973 containment intervals: {+/- 0.9483} seconds

Kirk Bender

Got a recording at 16x. Did look like it dimmed. I got a 4.2 sec event for Luthera, 16x from home.

magDrop report: percentDrop: 42.5  magDrop: 0.600  +/- 0.159  (0.95 ci)

DNR: 2.06

D time: [03:53:53.9026]
D: 0.6800 containment intervals:  {+/- 0.1546} seconds
D: 0.9500 containment intervals:  {+/- 0.5242} seconds
D: 0.9973 containment intervals:  {+/- 1.3796} seconds

R time: [03:53:58.1735]
R: 0.6800 containment intervals:  {+/- 0.1546} seconds
R: 0.9500 containment intervals:  {+/- 0.5242} seconds
R: 0.9973 containment intervals:  {+/- 1.3796} seconds

Duration (R - D): 4.2709 seconds
Duration: 0.6800 containment intervals:  {+/- 0.2619} seconds
Duration: 0.9500 containment intervals:  {+/- 0.7582} seconds
Duration: 0.9973 containment intervals:  {+/- 1.6224} seconds



Karl von Ahnen

Got a recording at 8x. Hard to tell what happened, too faint. Invisible on playback. No data