The Occultation of a W=13.9 Star (combined) by Asteroid Luthera

Jan 9, 2025 Thur at 7:53:55pm

OWc page

This is a long 6.8 s event, so although the target is faint, we should have a good chance at maping the shape well, and even seeing a moonlet if one exists. Alt=53, Az=80





Kirk observed from home, successfully, but could not judge any fading. I got a recording, clear ~4-5 s long significant dimming as predicted. Visual on monitor. Not reduced

Richard Nolthenius

I set up at the Twin Gates mtn bike crossing, on the east side. Perfect clear clean skies, but a bit of a breeze did blur the stars from time to time but not during the occultation. I may have to use dynamic mask for PyMovie. I saw a clear ~4-5s event at 16x from my external monitor. 



Kirk Bender

Got a recording at 16x. Did look like it dimmed.

I got a 4.2 sec event for Luthera, 16x from home.

magDrop report: percentDrop: 42.5  magDrop: 0.600  +/- 0.159  (0.95 ci)

DNR: 2.06

D time: [03:53:53.9026]
D: 0.6800 containment intervals:  {+/- 0.1546} seconds
D: 0.9500 containment intervals:  {+/- 0.5242} seconds
D: 0.9973 containment intervals:  {+/- 1.3796} seconds

R time: [03:53:58.1735]
R: 0.6800 containment intervals:  {+/- 0.1546} seconds
R: 0.9500 containment intervals:  {+/- 0.5242} seconds
R: 0.9973 containment intervals:  {+/- 1.3796} seconds

Duration (R - D): 4.2709 seconds
Duration: 0.6800 containment intervals:  {+/- 0.2619} seconds
Duration: 0.9500 containment intervals:  {+/- 0.7582} seconds
Duration: 0.9973 containment intervals:  {+/- 1.6224} seconds



Karl von Ahnen

Got a recording at 8x. Hard to tell what happened, too faint. Invisible on playback. No data