This is the second in a "two-fer" asteroid occultation evening. The target is faint, at W=13.9, but the duration is long at 3.8 seconds and the gibbous moon is low and 43 degrees away, so integration can be generous enough to get this. The altitude is high, at 60 degrees. I've set an icon at Twin Gates for these two events, otherwise I'm on top of Kirk Bender at his home. There are 6 declared stations for this event, so it could end up being well observed and perhaps show some surprises, with this many chords.
I recorded this from Twin Gates upper UCSC, at 32x. The target star was easy to see at 32x and did disappear for about 3s on the visual monitor. Not reduced yet.
Observed from home. Also saw a positive occultation
Observed from home