This relatively informal get together of Bay Area cyclists is a friendly competition to test ourselves against the classic hill climbs of the San Francisco Bay area. Rick Ferrell had told me about these a while back, and they sounded like a great way to spend a morning for only a few bucks.

Today's event was a start in the tiny hamlet of San Gregorio, up the road to La Honda, and then right turn up Alpine Rd to the summit and Hwy 35. One of the more scenic and challenging hills of the south Bay.

We arrive at San Gregorio in the early a.m.

Sign in

Ferrell readies his steed

A few pleasantries with the low key organizer. It was a staggered start, with riders selecting a start time based on their expected performance. That meant I should start early!

There were staggered starts, to help bunch up the competitors at the end. I'm about to go off

As I rode off, Ferrell accompanied me for the first mile, as a warm up.

It was well up Alpine Rd that the first rider caught me. Time to focus on hill climbing

We "got a watch on it" and I'm ready for oxygen

Ferrell puts on his finishing sprint

That certainly got the lungs working!


Post race calories and swapping stories

To add some miles, we rode north on Hwy 35, commiserating with this cyclist along the way

Safely back at San Gregorio, repacked, it's time to get some protein...

Ferrel excels at this portion of our races