A time trial bike race to the top of Mt. Diablo, 11.2 miles and 3,249 ft of climbing, starting at the base on the south side. (their facebook page). Ferrell told me about this one, and it sounded like a great way to spend the morning -let's do it! He'd done it last year, and warned me about the last half mile, which was brutally steep. So, my plan was to leave something in the tank so I didn't bonk at the wrong moment and topple over.

Before sunrise, up and at 'em. Bike at the ready, waiting for Ferrell

load and go

Arriving in Danville - a frosty 43 F outside, at sunrise

Settin' up the bikes, at a school parking lot a mile from the start

Look out! He's got a camera!

This old fart (so it says on his shirt) is celebrating early

There were 5 waves

Ferrell's 1hr wave gets the flag

I put myself into the 1hr 20 wave

After a half mile of climbing through a residential area of nice homes, we emerge onto the slopes.

Cut calfs helped this guy up the mountain

My all-business face

Riders in the switchbacks below

The steeps up to the top were not quite as horrific as they were played up to be. Maybe 16-17%? But worth some heavy breathing for sure. 1hr 33m 25s was my time.

Another finisher, determined to "Save Mt. Diablo"!

Great spot, the top of Mt Diablo. Beautiful morning to be here, now.

Only thing that can make it better - a chocolate chip cookie

after an exhilerating fast ride down the mountain, we're back at the car

Ferrell's pretty single-minded after these things - meat! Taco Bell was the solution.




There's a nice YouTube 2 minute video of our race here.