Near Bridal Veil Falls, with El Capitan adding an orange glow to the background sky

A maple, leaning my way

The colors here were truly gorgeous and made for a sublimely inspiring run

Crossing El Capitan bridge, I pause to get this reflection in the Merced River

El Capitan, before sunset, in a break between trees on the trail

I got back to my car, in the Bridal Veil Falls parking lot, after dark, after a great 6 mile run. Thence onward up over Tioga Pass to June Lake, where I checked in at the Boulder Lodge with Dave Wyman and we had 3 spectacular days of fall colors in the Eastern Sierra Photo Workshop (pix when I get time.... some day - I've got hundreds).

Then, on Sunday, on the drive home, I stopped at Toulemne Meadows to do another run. This one was 4 miles, from the Ranger Station on up towards Vogelsang hut (I didn't make it all the way to the hut, as I needed to get home for an important astronomical event at Cabrillo Observatory at 11pm)...


more to come, when I get a moment...