How To: Getting Things Done at Cabrillo

Student Senate's Instructor's Toolkit

mileage rate

Purchasing forms and Other forms and Payroll, absence forms

Editing the Astro Cabrillo WordPress pages

Grading and Positive Hours (2022)

Remote Teaching using Canvas and Zoom

Flex Activities, Registering and External Credit (updated for Fall '23)

Faculty check list and instructions for 2023 Fall

Submitting request for I.T. Help using TeamDynamix

TimeCards forms to fill out online , Payroll forms , and Absence forms is in Payroll forms

Scheduling Grid - Zoom talk by Jessica

Creating a Special Studies Course

Submitting Office Hours (Norma Pena approved)

Option 1:  (the easiest) Self Service (also known as myCabrillo--please do not confuse Self Service with myCabrilloPD, which is your Flex Professional Development site).  
1. There is probably more than one way to get to Self Service, but you can find the MY CABRILLO link at the top of our website.  
2. Login, then find the icons on the gray ribbon on the left.  As you hover over them, their names appear.  
3. Click on Daily Work (briefcase icon) and it will expand and show you the Office Hours tab to click on.
4. In the office hours screen, you can create more than one line.  The DATES you enter are important (they indicate the semester they are for).  The Spring '23 semester begins on Monday 1-30-23.  The standard 16-week class ends on Saturday 5-27-23.  Please be sure your office hours are between these dates.   For the few of you who had classes that began before 1-30-23, be sure to distinguish the office hours for these classes with your unique dates.
5. Under Building you also have options for Online, Pool and Off Campus.  
6. The Frequency should always be WEEKLY.
7. Be sure to click SAVE once all your lines of office hours are in.


Syllabi to o: drive
* open Acrobat DC,
* do file | open on the html document of your syllabi, schedule, and relevant policies pages.
* Just save as a pdf file to desktop/toss/odrive and note the names of PDF files already there, I tried to be generic so you can just re-use the names each semester. Then email them to yourself so you can access them from office computer, where you grab and copy to the o:/astronomy folder.

Late Adds

Field Courses and Trips

Astro 3, 4, 7 Exam Generation and Astro 8A Preparation

Crocker Grant Application Process

Grade Change
* Log in to Webadvisor
* left click on eforms
* then grade change
* enter student ID number to have system identify them
* fill out form...
* at the bottom click submit

Scheduling Community Events

Google Docs is described here, and you can upload easily by going straight to the link in the Faculty/Staff | documents area. This is where you login to your Cabrillo Google Docs account. Navigate to google docs, and look for the little flat line with the up arrow, which means "upload" if you want to upload files. It's slow! 483 Meg .avi file took ~2 hours.

Recover Phone Messages
* dial 477-3701 then it'll ask you to enter your campus extension, and your 3 digit pw you usually enter on your office phone

OnLine Forms for Cabrillo
Forms filled out online

Purchase Orders and Reimb forms signing (in Business Office forms)
* open the document in Adobe Acrobat DC Pro
* Go to Tools / Certificates / Digitally Sign and it'll have you draw a box around where you want to add a signature, and click and your existing saved signature will appear there. You save it with your signature now attached.

Safety Training
* Training sequence is here .
* At the end, you'll be prompted to click the WebAdvisor link.

To Create a Student Job Listing.
* Your astro dept budget number for student workers is: 11-0-4630-1900-524100-000
* go to and be sure to unblock the script blocker or you'll lose everythng when you do unblock.
* login is, pw= cabrillo
* fill in as desired. $11.75 is for SA III, appro for observatory student assistant other than a simple gofer. You should see the listing posted here when done. Lynn Hood will get this automatically. Your new job for Becky is job # 9695
* When you have someone to hire, get hiring packet from Lynn. Applicant fills out most, I fill out lower part. Then give it to Patty, who'll get signatures and then it goes to Lynn. Applicant needs to go to Lynn and show her valid drivers license and SS card.

The Common Application Login, for filing out Letters of Recommendations for students.

Curriculum Submissions
* Curriculum Committee dates and deadlines are here
* See instructions here

Technology Purchasing
* instructions here

Budget Numbers:
Astro 28 clearing account: 11-0-4630-1900-543952-000
: 11-0-4630-1900-543100-000
543300    Instr'l Furniture Exp < $5000
543310    Instr'l Equip Expense < $5000
543320    Instr'l Computer Exp < $5000
545300    Non Instr'l Furniture < $5000
545310    Non Instr'l Equipment < $5000
545320    Non Instr'l Computers < $5000
564100    Equipment-Replacement
564101    Equipment-New
564122    Technology Equip-Replacement
564123    Technology Equip-New
564151    Classroom Furniture & Equip
564152    Furniture - Capital
Foundation Acct Balances at P:\President_PUBLIC\Foundation_PUBLIC\2013-14
Campus Area  Funds. and forms for making purchases are here...
 P: President_PUBLIC\Foundation_PUBLIC\Purchase Requisition-ReimbursementProcedure.doc
 P: President_PUBLIC\Foundation_PUBLIC\ReimbursementForm.doc

Writing Your Program Plan but the new link for '21 is here

Resource requests and eLumen: we'll be submitting resource requests through the eLumen system this year. Your manager or component may request turning in the paper based template for their review but for your request to be officially considered by the college, it will have to be submitted via eLumen. The first step is setting your department description and goals. Once those have been entered, we can deploy your annual update template. Instructions for setting your description and goals can be found in the draft eLumen program planning guide pages 4 through 8 on the PRO program planning support page: 

Please have your goals entered by the end of February '20 at the latest. There may be some delay between your goals being entered and template deployment as we refine this process. We will be offering a workshop after the term is underway as well as individualized support. We also value feedback on the templates and documentation. 

To do articulation

* Democracy Now! Cell phone security