2024 Astro Past Events
Jan 1 - Mon 1:06am - Occultation of a 12.7 by Helio, from SC and SC Mtns. High rank, wide path includes SC, Karl, Los Gatos. but only R=0.35 mag drop for 9.2s. Requires longer integration and high S/N to get that small a drop. Plan is, if clear, drive from Karl's to Hwy 17 and down to Scotts Valley and set out Kirk and myself near Pasatiempo Inn. Planning page, Planning and Results page Results: Karl, Kirk and I all stayed at Karl's. I set up my gear and tried it, through the clouds. Got on-target, but clouds thickened. No data.
Jan 6 - Sat eve 9:21pm - Occultation of a w=13.9 star by l'Epee, from Santa Cruz Mtns, rank=78. Karl's odds about 48%, me about 41% at Cabrillo College Observatory. Kirk, less. Only 0.8s duration so don't integrate too long. Planning and Results page. Results: I observed from Rodeo Gulch Rd. Light curve suggests I got a very short event, less than 0.5s, but at 32x, it fails the false positive test. Kirk had a miss.
Jan 7 - Sun morn 1:52am - Occn of a w=12.6 star by 1999JU34 56% odds on centerline, 43% from Natural Bridges, only 15% from my home. 0.6s duration, alt=58 Auriga. A sleep killer; if I'm up to it, I may try from Natural Bridges. Planning and Results page. Results: Got a recording, looks like a 'miss' at Natural Bridges. Kirk too, from home.
Jan 7 - Sun eve at 6:53pm - Occn of a w=12.1 mag star by (1731) Smuts, from Santa Cruz and SC Mtns. High rank, almost certain odds for Santa Cruz and Karl. 4.2s duration, Alt=30, Az=91. Planning and Results page Results: Kirk and I both got 3 to 4s positives; me from home, he from UCSC upper meadow bike path. Karl got "tree'd". IOTA report sent in 1/16/24.
Jan 8 - Mon morn - Spectacular occultation of Antares by the 11% crescent moon. D=5:37:00am, R=6:27:01am at 69s cusp angle and sun at -11 in with some dawn light. Antares has a 5th mag blue companion, which is only visible at the R, during occultations such as this one. This will be a great opportunity for a color video to show this. Results: Kirk and I both got great video and images, from the bike path at Upper Meadow, UCSC under frozen conditions. Planning and Results page.
Jan 9 - Tue eve 11pm - Occultation of an 11.1 by 2000AZ1, from Rodeo Gulch. Narrow path, 40% odds at Rodeo Gulch, much less at home, and for Kirk and Karl. Planning Page. Results: Karl reported a miss, I had a miss at Rodeo Gulch ridge.
Jan 11 - Thur morn 2:10:44am - Occultation of a W=12.9 star by Barryburke through Santa Cruz. high alt=71deg, tough because it's only 0.35s duration, but full drop. Two bright stars should make field ID easier than some. Planning page. Results: Got a good recording from home. Looks like a .08s positive; Kirk had a miss. Karl no attempt, too far from the path.
Jan 11 - Thur eve 10:50pm - Occultation of a w=14.1 stary by Primolevi, from Santa Cruz. High rank, we're ~on center line. 1.9s duration. Faint, but longish integration of 32 or 64x should get it. Planning and Results page Results: I observed from bike trail Upper Meadow UCSC. But poor alignment of scope and I never ID'd the field, at 78 deg altitude, difficult.
Jan 14 Sunday at 10pm - Occultation of an 8.8 star by Callisto (6.2 mag) (Jupiter satellite), high value event, but only 0.087 mag drop, so will take good data. Jupiter mission people are interested in getting occ data for accurate orbit updates for Callisto. Will need to use a Jupiter moon on the opposite side for comparison. Adjust gain to avoid saturation. 8 min duration at max, and maybe 5min for us. LuckyStar wants good timings to help the upcoming IceyMoons space mission to Jupiter. Planning and Results page Results: Got a recording, wispy clouds made variance too high to pull a 0.087 mag drop from the data. Kirks data similar. Karl's camcorder could not be used because he left the remote control with me, earlier; no data
Jan 15 Mon eve 10pm - Occultation of an w=11.3 by 1994VA, from Pajaro Dunes. 65% odds at centerline. Convenient time. Planning page Results: I drove Kirk and I down to the ag fields south of Watsonville and we both got lucky with the cloudy sky and fickle asteroid path and got positives.
Jan 22 1-2pm Flex zoom link "Creating Dept webpages" Ramesh and Kristin F (1hr flex credit)(done)
Jan 24 10:30-11:30am Zoom flex "How to schedule rooms in AdAstro"
Jan 24 1-2pm - Jennifer Cass Flex on eLumen, zoom.
Jan 24 2:50pm at Mission Safeway. Quest diag. No eating/drinking today. (1hr flex credit)
Jan 25 Zoom meeting with UCSD / UCSC climate faculty strategizing GE transfer, Astro 7. Zoom (good for flex credit 4hrs. See internal Word doc to submit, in "climate" folder)
Feb 3 Sat 1pm - Seymour Center private tour for UCSC-CC (Flex; for your verbal presentation on Astro 7 to UCSC students)
Jan 25 Thur eve - Occultation of a 9.2 Star by asteroid 1992 SP2. Through Santa Cruz. Excellent bright event. Results: Clouds and rain all week and bad cloud predictions made for no prep. But rain stopped a few hours before the event although cloud forecasts were still grim. Then, 13 minutes before the event, clouds cleared! I madly dashed to set up at home, and did get on target - but it was 2 minutes too late. This counts as a "valiant effort clouded out". No others tried this one.
Jan 28 - Sun eve 9:10pm - Occultation of a 13.0 star by Asteroid 2000SL173, from Moss Landing. HIgh rank and narrow path. No chance from Santa Cruz. Only 0.5s duration, 32 altitude in east. Planning and Results page Results: I did this one solo, due to iffy clouds and last minute drive decision. A miss, reported.
Feb 8 - Thur 9:01pm - Occultation of 13.1 by Klumpkea, from Santa Cruz. Can't do both this and Niobe. Planning and Results Page Results: Success from Kirk (home) and I (Nat Bridges), of 1.7s. Karl didn't get data; a combo of failed 2-star align and over-slept a nap. My results reported to IOTA 2/11/24.
Feb 8 - Thur 10pm - Occultation of W=13.9 by 1999ER1 from SC Mtns. Karl nicely inside path, but integrate to get this! 1.7s duration, high in the sky. high rank. 79 degrees up. Need to tilt the tripod or use the 2" diagonal and 0.5x reducer instead. Either way, push scope ALL the way up into the dovetail jaws! Planning and Results page. Results: Kirk got a recording, a miss. I tilted the tripod to access high altitude, and this caused failure to GoTo. The 1-hr time between this and Klumpkea was not enough time to re-pack, drive to upper UCSC meadow, set up, and recover from the failed GoTo.
Feb 15 Thur eve 11:30pm - Occultation of a R=12.9 star, from Mill Rd Santa Cruz site, up Branciforte. Narrow path. 0.7s duration. The path is so narrow that it is unlikely to be a 'hit' from either Kirks, mine, or Karl's place. But 50% odds from the bike crossing Upper Meadow UCSC, and good odds from Mill Rd opposite DeLaveaga Park in Santa Cruz. Planning and Results page. Results: I observed a miss from Mill Rd.
Feb 21 Wed at 9:53pm - Occultation of a R=10.4 star by asteroid 2001QM89, from SC Mtns and Ano Nueovo. centerline odds=58%. Almost 50% odds for Karl at HogBack where it clears horizon. Only alt=15 at Az=86. Planning and Results page. Results: Karl was clouded out at the HogBack. I drove to Mtn. Charlie monument and goet set up and did a GoTo the target, but clouds were too thick to identify it positively. I taped anyway, and 5 min after the event, the clouds cleared enough to see that the target star was actually above the top of the field of view, so we got no data. Kirk did not try.
Feb 23 Fri at 3:47am - Occultation of a bright 7.8 star by 2001QT244 from Loma Prieta area. Karl's odds 40%, and over 60% from the hogback. Alt=25, Az=290, Duration 0.5s. Planning and Results page. Results: Clouds came in, no one tried it.
Feb 24 Sat 8:36pm - Occultation of a R=13.5 by Bartels, from Rodeo Gulch. High rank 0.8s duration, alt=76. Should be do-able if clean skies and short integration of 4x or 8x max. But full moon will make tough. Planning and Results page Results: Kirk and I both got recordings; he from Sunlit Ln, me from upper Branciforte lot. Unreduced.
Feb 24 Sat 11:47pm - Occultation of a R=10.4 Star by Asteroid Penny - from Lark Ave in Los Gatos. Only 0.2s duration and narrow path. Planning and Results page. Results: I observed, from Oka Rd orchard in Los Gatos. Got a 0.16s positive. Kirk, Karl did not try this one. I still need to submit IOTA report.
Feb 25 Sun eve 10:35pm - Occultation of a 12.8 Star by van Woerkom, from Santa Cruz. High rank. 0.8s duration. Alt=54, Az=254. Partly cloudy predicted. Planning and Results page. Results: Kirk and I both got recordings and probable positives, unreduced.
Feb 28 Wed eve 11pm - Occultation of a 13.0 combined (star R=13.9) by Arethusa, from Santa Cruz. 0.35 drop, but long central duration 7s. Several other observers from north of us. So, opportunity for decent shape mapping. Planning and Results page Results: Kirk and I both got recordings. Karl did not attempt.
Mar 8 Fri eve 11:57pm - Occultation of a R=13.0 by Gawain, from Moss Landing, and west-side Santa Cruz only. High rank, 1.7s max duration. Planning and Results page Results: Kirk and I both got ~1s positives. Path missed Karl.
Mar 9 -Sat 6:51pm - Occultation of a 10.1 by Blakee from Santa Cruz downtown. Good rank, sun-=-9. Alt=74, dur=0.5s. Kirk and I are well placed. Karl not. Planning and Results page. Results: Heavy cirrus and twilight prevented good 2-star align, GoTo's failed, field stars could not be ID'd, for both me and Kirk. No data. Clouds only worsened later.
Mar 12 11;51pm - Occn by Vesta Planning and Results page. Results: Got a positive from my driveway. ~36s. Kirk did not try, Karl had scope trouble.
Mar 13 1:04am - Occn of 10.3 by 1999JK7 Planning and Results page Results: Got a nice 0.3s positive from Olive Springs. Kirk and Karl no observations
Mar 13 - eve; Comet Pons-Brooks photography at Wilder Ranch (solo).
Mar 14 Thur - 12:20am - Occultation of a R=12.25 combined star+ by asteroid Doris. Wide path, high rank, 0.35 drop, 14s duration. All of Team Santa Cruz is inside the path. We've got 14s to work with, so my advice is to integrate long enough to make sure you see the target nice and bright. We need to be able to detect a small 0.35 mag drop. Planning and Results page. Results: I got a 18.5s event behind the Arboretum at UCSC, Kirk a 17.8s event from "the Berm". Karl did not attempt. Reported to IOTA 3/27/24
Mar 14 Thur eve - Moon clips southern edge of Plieades. Good photo-op. Results: Got some nice Nikon images here.
Mar 18 Mon morn 1:28am - Occultation of R=11.9 star by 2004RM103, 30 deg up in south. Karl inside northern limit. Good rank. Maybe socialize there and then deploy? Planning and Results page Results: Karl, Kirk and I all got recordings from the Highland Ave area of the summit. Karl at home, Kirk at the Skyland Church, me another mile or so further south near centerline. All of us got misses.
Mar 24 Sun at 9:23pm - Occultation of R=12.2 star by 1993LF, from SC and SC Mtns. Planning and Results page Results: Faulty switch on my VTI ruined my otherwise good setup under clear skies at upper UCSC. Kirk recorded at "the berm", not reduced yet. Karl not in the path.
Mar 28 Thur eve 11pm - Occultation of a R=9.9 Star by 2000UY51 from Scotts Valley and SC Mtns. Planning and Results page Results: Kirk and I got recordings from just north of Scotts Valley under fairly clear skies, at 1/60s integration. We both got misses.
Apr 1 Mon eve - Occultation of 12.2 star by 1999RH123, at 8:40pm. Sun=-14. Narrow path, centerline over Wilder Ranch, where I've set a site. Duration 0.6s. Kirk try from home? Planning page Results: I got a 0.46s positive from Wilder Ranch.
Apr 5-7 Fri-Sun - Astro 27 at Laguna Mtn and Pinnacles National Park Results: Good success. We accomplished most of our goals; successful lectures on all topics, successful hike to Laguna Falls, and through the Bear Gulch Caves to the Pinnacles National Park reservoir. Cold, clouds through much of Friday night and late Saturday night, but clear for the Carina Occultation which we treated students too. Lots of firewood kept everyone happy.
Apr 6 Sat eve 9:29pm - Occultation of a R=12.5 Star by Carina, from wide range centered on Laguna Mtn Campground. Planning and results page. Results: A success. I got a ~2.7s (at 4x) event from 4 mi south of Kirk who was back at Laguna Mtn Campground. Kirk got a good taping at 2x
Apr 8 Mon morning 10:16am - Partial eclipse of the sun. 36% from Soquel. I plan to set up the GTF81 scope on Losmandy mount and bring plenty of "eclipse glasses" for the students, community on the amphitheater at Cabrillo. Planning and photo page. Results: Big success! clear skies got lots of action pictures and maybe ~100 people came by to watch the eclipse.
Apr 9 Tue eve - 2% moon just below Comet Pons-Brooks at 4th magnitude. Great photo op I hope. Try from water tank? Or tell Astro 8A'rs to meet at a dark site instead of Cabrillo perhaps. Results: Clear skies, met students at Hort entrance, got images, showed students the comet in 10x70's and in GTF81.
Apr 11 Thur morn 1:09am - Occultation of a R=11.6 star by Pori; centrally through Santa Cruz, high rank. and Planning and Results page Results: I got a clear ~1.1s positive as seen on the monitor. I observed from Rincon St. behind the tall vegetation hiding the apartment complex. Kirk also recorded; Karl outside of path.
Apr 11 Thur eve 10:13pm - Occultation of a R=12.6 star by 2002RZ24 from Santa Cruz, RUWE=1.8 so it's path is a bit iffy, but nominal asteroid orbit is high rank. Duration 0.3s, R=12.5, so will be faint, urge 2x or 4x at the most, to better insure passing the FP test. Results: Not visible from my place or across the street, and my car's in the shops, so no attempt possible for me. Kirk got it from home, but too tough for reliable analysis.
Apr 16 Tue 9:04pm - Occultation of a R=12.1 star by 2000WE160 from Santa Cruz. I'll try from CabObs. Target 8deg from moon, dur=1s. Planning and Results page. Results: I was too busy with students 705 indoors to get out in time to record it. No data from me.
Apr 16 Tue 10:46pm - Occultation of a R=12.2 by 2001FK160 from SC Mtns, Karl in high rank place, I plan to get from Olive Springs after Astro 8A. Dur=0.4s. Alt=21 in west in Monoceros, 38 deg from moon. Planning and Results page Results: I got a recording from Olive Springs, Karl from home, Kirk from Sunlit Lane.
Apr 28 Sun eve11:51pm - Occultation of a R=11.7 star by 1999TJ223, from SC Mtns near in. RUWE = 3.1 so could shift, but nominal it is of high rank. Alt=28 at Az=270 due west in Cancer. I plan to try it from up Branciforte Rd. Scotts Valley is also good. Alba Rd at Empire Grade is on the centerline. Planning and Results page. Results: I got a positive, Kirk got a marginal positive.
Apr 29 Mon eve 9:51 - Occultation of a R=12.0 Star in Leo by 1995XT, high rank, and lasts a good long 7.6s. Excellent event! I will try from Cabrillo. Suggest Kirk try from home. Karl, if you're game, from Castelegno's. Planning and Results page Results: I had a 7.1s event from Mill St, Kirk had a miss from home. Karl did not try.
Apr 30 Tue eve- 9pm - Occultation of 12.9 star by 1998RM67 from Santa Cruz. Results: Astro 8A night, too busy and did not try it, Kirk got a miss from ~centerline at home.
May 1 Wed - 2:14am - Occultation of a 9.4 star by 2001FW117 from just north of Santa Cruz, or if a bit of a shift, for Kirk. Planning and Results page. Results: I got a recording from Scaroni Rd. Probable miss not reduced yet. No one else tried it.
May 3-5 Fri-Sun - Astro 25 at Carrizo Plain National Monument. Results: Some rain, but overall great trip with lots of photos.
May 8 Wed just after midnight - Occultation of R=11.1 star by 2000LQ19 from Olive Springs. Karl gets the northern limit, I get inside the southern limit. We should get this one. Planning and Results page Results: Successful recording at Olive Springs. Not reduced yet. Karl thinks a miss from visual playback at 8x? 16x?
late April - Program Plans due Wed May 1. Workshop video instructions
May 9 Thur 2:18am - Occultation of R=12.8 by Mallorca, from SC. Good for Kirk too. Not visible for Karl. Planning and Results Page. Results: Successful taping from Kirk at home, me at Natural Bridges entrance. We both got ~0.8s positives.
May 12 Sun morn 12:40am - Occultation of a R=12.3 Star by 2000UY21 from Rodeo Gulch, just south of Karl too. Maybe a movie night at Karl's Saturday night, followed by asteroid hunting on the way home? 0.5s duration, Alt=23 Az=140 Ophiuchus. Planning and Results page. Results: Kirk and I at Rodeo Gulch fogged out, Karl did not try it.
May 14 Tue eve 9:13pm - Occultation of a 12.0 star by asteroid Thule. Special value, to be reported to an astronomer with special interest in this event. Wide path, good rank, long 5.0s duration, alt=46, az=263. I must be at Cabrillo helping students finish photo project, will get it from Cabrillo outside the classroom. Kirk and Karl well inside path from home. Planning and Results page Results: clouded out for all, although Kirk got set up and a valiant effort.
May 15 Wed morn 12:15am - Occultation of a R=13.5 star by Chujkovia. Perfect opportunity to try from Cabrillo Observatory after mounting 12" w/ occ gear. alt=42 Az=154. Path includes Karl and Kirk from home as well. Planning and Results page. Results: I did not have the free time to do this, Kirk got a positive.
May 19 - Sun Morm 12:33am Occultation of a R=12.0 star by 2001SG62for 0.5s at MIRA Observatory. Alt=46, Az=155. Perhaps a couple of stations, one on the Big Scope and another on the fire lookout? Planning and Results page . Results: Kirk on 14" at MIRA, I got recording at fire lookout. We both had verified misses.
May 19 - Sun morn 1:56am - Occultation of a R=13.7 star by 2001VZ105 southern limit is just a few miles north of MIRA, a quite reasonable south shift would get us the event at MIRA. Dur=0.3s, alt=28, Az=172. Pretty tough with the 8", I hope the 14" on the big scope is available. Planning and Results page Results: Kirk on 14" at MIRA, I got recording at fire lookout. Kirk had a miss, I did as well probably, but at 8x it was too few points at too low S/N to really claim a miss.
May 19 - Sun morn 2:52:36am - Occultation of a R=11.8 star by 1981EO10 from MIRA Observatory. Planning and Results Page. Results: Kirk got recording on 14" Planewave at MIRA, I got recording at fire lookout. Kirk had a miss, I have not reduced my tape yet.
May 20 Mon- 8pm Community Star Party at Cabrillo Observatory. - Results: A nice success! Lots of students there. we saw the moon, and binary star Porrima before the fog came in.
May 23 Thur eve 10:54pm - Occultation of a R=10.7 Star by 2001MD28 from Karl's area along Summit Rd. Alt=25, Az=157. Karl is almost on centerline, 94% odds of a hit. clouds threatened and it was a last minute decision to go for it, rather than a longer socialize at Karl's first. Planning and Results page. Results: Karl got a recording at 2x, definite 1/4s event, I recorded at 1x from Mtn Charlie monument, got a 0.5s event. Kirk did not try this one. IOTA report sent in 6/1/24.
May 24 Fri 11:14:27pm - Occultation of a R=12.1 Star by 1999JX59, from Summit Road and north. Karl's just outside the southern limit, but possible 'hit' if lucky. Maybe another social night at Karl's in early evening? Planning and Results page. Results: We did a "movie night" at Karl's, watching a couple of old episodes of "The X Files" while we waited, hoped the frontal clouds would clear. They didn't. We got nothing, but I keep the page here because we did make a valiant attempt anyway.
May 26 Sun morn at 12:47:49am - Occultation of a R=11.7 star by 2000SD176, from Western Santa Cruz and Wilder Ranch and north along the coast a ways. Difficult, dense star field, and only 8 deg from 92% moon. 0.5s duration and only 15 degrees up. But, might be worth a try given the short travel. I can't see it from home. Kirk perhaps can. Planning and Results page. Results: Kirk and I both got recordings at 4x from our respective homes. We both got misses.
May 28 - Tue eve at 10:58pm - Occultation of a R=12.6 Star by 4125T-2 from Santa Cruz. Rank=87, I'm on Southern limit, Kirk and Karl inside 1-sigma red lines. Alt=18, Az=122 in SE. Planning and Results page . Results: Star was hopelessly too dim at alt=18, even at 16x. No data from me, Kirk did not try.
June 1 Sat morn 1:28am - Occultation of a R=10.4 star by 1977CS1, from Karl's place and Skyland Church area. Bright, 40 deg alt, Az=178. Looks like a good Fri eve "Movie Night" followed by asteroid astronomy. Planning and Results page Results: Kirk, Karl and I all tried this, from sites near Karl's place. Confirmed misses for Kirk and I, Karl's review of tape on his TV also indicates a miss.
June 2 Sun morn 12:32am - Occultation of a R=12.9 Star by 1996SS4 Planning and Results page. Results: I taped it, on target. at 8x. Kirk failed to get on target. Results: The event if it happened, is lost in the noise. The star at 8x looked far fainter than an R=12.9 star should look, and the extremely nearby 11th mag star harmed the photometry as well. Mark it for me as a "purple" too tough but valiant effort. Kirk failed to ID field due to lack of time because of my late posting of the Planning Page.
June 2 Sun morn 12:39:10am - Occultation of a R=12.8 star by TNO (523700)15GM54 , see Dunham email. Results: I taped it,after a quick blind GoTo. Target was off-screen by 1/2 Watec field width. No data. Kirk failed to ID field due to lack of time because of my late posting of the Planning and Results Page.
June 5 Wed morn 1:15am - Occultation of a R=10.9 star by 1999RS12, from northern edge of Santa Cruz. Dur=0.3, alt=20, Az=170 in Scorpius. Looks like a good opportunity for a 1x or 2x integration and get this one. Mill Rd on centerline, and up Empire Grade. Not close to Karl, alas. Planning and Results page Results: Kirk from the upper UCSC bike crossing, and me from Monte Rd, both got 0.28s positives. Karl outside path, no attempt.
Jun 7 Fri eve 9:56pm - Occultation of a R=13.1 Star by Libussa, from SC Mtns east of SC and wide band, includes Patchen Summit and Karl. Odds 100%, alt=46, Az=252. My site tentatively is the red Realty place dirt below it, on Hwy 17. It has a good view to the SE and the west for these two events. Planning and Results page
June 7 Fri eve 10:56pm - Occultation of an R=11.4 star by Lallaward, along spine of SC Mtns and Karl. Alt=15, Az=137, duration = 0.6s. Planning and Results page
June 9 Sun 3:10am - Occultation of a R=13.6 Star by Janina, for all of Santa Cruz County. Dur=3.1s, alt=28, Az=196 in Sagittarius. High rank. Planning and Results page Results: I got a recording at 32x from Rincon St outside the mailboxes. Not analyzed yet. Kirk tried from BD, but unknown results.
June 9 Sunday 11:22pm Occultation of a R=12.9 Star by Selene, from Moss Landing to SF. Dur=3.7s Alt=34 deg, Az=167 . South Bay people will try it too. Good event, Imaging of the field at event hour 1 day early shows you'll need 16x minimum maybe 32x to get the target well, if atmospheric seeing is similar. That's still good enough for this long event to get a detection, but will be of lesser scientific value the longer the integration. Planning and Results page Results: Kirk and I recorded from ~70yds apart at Sunlit lane
June 10 Mon 12:30am - Occultation of a R=13.2 Star by Hannahshu, from Santa Cruz and into the Bay. Alt=28, Az=160, dur=1.0s. Clean skies says might be do-able at 16x, which would give up to 4 points inside the event. 1 hr after Selene. Planning and Results page Results: Kirk and I recorded in clear dark skies outside the path, at Sunlit Lane in BD.
June 11 Tue morn 1:04am - Occultation of an R=13.0 Star by 2000FF46 from SC mtns. Planning and Results page. Alt=32, Az=204. Results: Kirk and I got positives from BD, Karl tried too. Unreduced.
June 15 - Sat 3am - Occultation of a 13th mag star by Sadayuki from SV or Rodeo Gulch or Cabrillo. Sleepover at CabObs? alt=29, Az=193. Karl on 1-sig north side. Planning and Results page. Results: Got a taping from beside the dome buildng at Cabrillo Observatory. Kirk too, from home. Unreduced.
June 17 - Mon 12:25am - Occultation of a W=12.2 Star by Nydegger cl through GrayWhale bike crossing, Capitola. Dur=0.3s Alt=25, Az=158. With good conditions, this should be do-able. Planning page
June 17 - Mon 1:58am - Occultation of a W=13.4 star by Brixia, visible anywhere in SC County. Dur=8.2s alt=26, Az=226. Planning and Results page
June 17 -
Mon 2:02am - Occultation of a W=14.0 star by Glia. Wide path, OK from anywhere on Empire Grade. GrayWhale BikeX however is also right on KvA's home track. So I will plan to try from BD Airport. Both Brixia and Glia are visible widely. Nydegger though really should be done near the GrayWhale bikeX so I will do that one from there, then pack and drive up to the airport for the last 2 events. Alt=40, Az=168 . Planning and Results page Results: Kirk and I both got positives
June 17 Mon 9:37pm - Occultation of a W=13.0 star by Ucclia, from Santa Cruz and east. Karl ideal, Cabrillo good. Alt=62, Az=250, in Coma. Planning and Results page
June 19 - 12:44am - Occultation of a W=12.7 Star by 1999VQ48, alt=39, Az=160. Dur=0.6s full. From home; misses Cabrillo and Karl. Planning and Results page Results: I got a recording. Miss at the predicted time. A single point drop to zero 35s before the predicted time doesn't have easy explanation. Must do flat field analysis.
June 19 - 1:04 am - Occultation of a W=13.0 Star by 1998SJ61, for Karl and Summit/Hwy 17. Karl's inside the path, high odds. 2s duration, alt=43. Planning and Results page Results: I tried to get it, set up, and clouds came in. No data.
June 21 Fri 12:57am - Occultation of a W=11.7 star by Amazone, from all of Santa Cruz county and south SF Bay. Duration 4.9s, Alt=16, Az=193, but only 12 deg beneath 99% moon. Bright sky will be the challenge. Planning and Results page Results: Kirk got a positive, I saw a positive, but taped over the recording, so only have a live visual memory of 4s event. Sent in to IOTA to support Kirk's recorded data
June 25 Tue 12:04am - Occultation of an 11.1 star by 2001SW277, from Santa Cruz. I'm in the shadow and visible from Rincon St, Duration only 0.4s. Don't integrate, leave it at 2x. Planning and Results page. Results: I was the only one trying it, and got clouded out at the last minute after set up in the driveway.
June 27 Thur morn 1:33am - Occultation of a 12.5 Star by 2000 WN152, from Santa Cruz. 0.9s alt=47, Az=171, ~2 deg below/left of Aquila tail feathers. Planning and Results page Results: I got a recording, Kirk planned to as well. Karl outside the path.
June 27 Thur morn 1:45am - I tested whether the external LCD monitor when connected, hurts the S/N of constant brightness stars. Here's the test light curves.
June 27 Thur 9-10am - Occultation of Saturn in daylight from Santa Cruz. Planning and Results Page. Results: Kirk got tough video from the SC Mtns.
July 1 Mon 10:11pm - Occultation of a 14.0 star (13.0 combined, 0.4 drop) by Christine, 7.9s, alt=47, az=187, from Empire Grade, and west of Garth's place. Planning and Results page Results: Kirk and I both got good recordings of long positives.
Jul 3 Wed 1:55am - Occultation of a W=12.3 Star by RogerByrd, from Scotts Valley. dur=0.4s alt=31, Az=174. Marginal with such a short duration. But skies are dark and dry and Karl's willing to go for it, on the centerline, so I'll go for it in Scotts Valley. Planning and Results page Results: A miss for Kirk. I got a 0.15s drop to zero, deepest of the recording, but 5s =10 diameters later than supposed high rank prediction. I was on centerline. Hard to decide: miss? late occn? Karl recorded too, suspects a miss.
Jul 4 Thur 12:12am - Occultation of a W=14.0 Star by 1995WG2 - Planning and Results page Results: I got a recording from my carport.
Jul 4 Thu 11:51pm - Occultation of W=12.5 star by 2001FA184, from Santa Cruz. A miss for Karl is highly likely. 0.3s duration =tough, alt=23, Az=176 Sagittarius. Planning and Results page Results: I got a recording from Rincon. No one else tried.
Jul 5 Fri 11:43pm - Occultation of a W=13.7 star by Bower, from SC mtns, SC, SiValley. Alt=17, Az=205, in Lupus. Dur=5.5s. Planning and Results page Results: Karl's recording failed, no backup. I got a 5.51s positive from Upper UCSC bike crossing.
Jul 9 Tue eve - Occultation of a W=11.6 star by 2002 AX123 from Santa Cruz. Misses Karl. Alt=22, Az=147 Dur=0.4s. Bright, do-able at 2x easily I believe, which should get it well enough. Planning and Results page Results: Kirk and I got data from "The Berm", and at 6240 Empire Grade address for me, north of the nominal northern limit.
Jul 11 - Thur morn 12:03am - Occultation of a 12.7 combined by Iduna. Dur = 22 sec! Drop = 0.6 mag. Alt=38, Az=98 in Pegasus. From Mt. Hamilton Rd. at Fire station, Twin Gates area. Double event with Portlandia However, this event is also visible from anywhere in the Santa Cruz and Santa Cruz Mtns. Fine for Karl. Long integrations suitable. Planning and Results page.
Jul 13 - Sat 7:30pm and 8:46pm Occultation of 1.0 mag Spica on 52+ moon. Photo / video opportunities. Results: Through clouds, Kirk and I got some telephoto shots during our trip for the 42 Cap occultation below.
Jul 13 - Sat eve 10:49pm - Occultation of 4.7 magnitude 42 Capricorni, by (46656) 1995 WT6, from Santa Cruz Mtn foothills, and Little Panoche Rd past Mercey Hot Springs.. Rank is OK, not perfect. alt=9 deg, Dur=0.55s . Planning and Results page. Results: Kirk and I drove to Little Panoche Reservoir, and got clouded out
Jul 14 - Sunday 9:41pm - Occultation of a W=9.6 Star by 1999YM12, from Empire Grade and SW of it. Empire Grade ~defines northern limit. Planning page Results: Kirk got a positive from Sunlit lane. I had a radio interview and rising fog set me behind; from PineRidge; didn't get on target in time. Karl not in path.
July 15 - Monday 12:17am - Occultation of a W=13.4 Star by 1999RF201, from same path as 1999YM12 above. Fog damaged path. Planning and Results page Results: I was the only one trying this, from Pineridge. Bumped tripod, didn't get back on target till too late. No data.
July 19 Fri eve 9:16:47pm - Occultation of W=11.0 star by 2000 RW38 from north edge of Santa Cruz. alt=24, Az=130. Monte cul-de-sac off B40 is on centerline, if no fog. Otherwise Upper UCSC bikeX. Dur = 0.2s, 98% moon 15 deg away, need 1x integration. Karl's too far north for high odds, but worthwhile to get a good miss chord perhaps.Mediocre rank. But worth going for since there's a longer one just 50 min later. Planning and Results Page. Results: I observed from Llama Lane in Cave Gulch. Unreduced.
July 19 Fri eve 10:05pm - Occultation of a W=11.3 Star by 1999XU86, from similar path. Best spot if fog-free looks lie UCSC behind arboretum, but can get from home too. 0.5s duration. Only 12 deg from big moon. Planning and Results page Results: I got a miss on the centerline from the UCSC Arboretum. Kirk too, from the Berm. No observation from Karl.
July 20 Sat eve 10:40pm - Occultation of a W=13.5 Star by Kobresia, from Santa Cruz and west, along a ~vertical line. Kirk's home is inside the limit but not by much. I plan to drive to Davenport area. Karl is outside the limit, would have to drive to Castle Rock to get inside. Planning and Results page. Results: Kirk and I both got positives on this difficult event, saved by the fact it was so long. Difficult reductions for me, not done to satisfaction yet.
July 27 Sun - 1:45am - Occultation of 13.1 star by 2002CB59 from Patriarch Grove, better south of it by ~8 miles. 0.7s dur, Alt=48, Az=228. Remarkably, Karl at home is also inside the path, at the north end. If we both get observations we should be able to pin down this orbit. Planning and Restuls page Results: Kirk and I both got positives of about 0.8 sec from above 10,000 ft in the White Mtns.
Aug 1 - Thur 4:38am - Occultation of a 16.1 (15.4 combined) by Trojan Asteroid Alcathous. from SC, SC Mtns, and MIRA too. High rank, alt=69. ~no moon. Should be do-able in dark conditions with enough integration. May require travel to dark sites, and I will ask about MIRA time. Planning and Results page. Results: Clouds looked so bad, Karl and I bailed and slept. Kirk went for it, and got a recording.
Aug 4 - Sun 9:40pm - Occultation of a 13.5 Star by 1999JL22, from Santa Cruz. 0.4s duration, 28 alt in Sagittarius, Sun alt=-16. Karl's not in the path. RN on centerline. Planning and Results page. Results: I was the only one to try it; Kirk was still on the road from Yosemite, Karl outside the path. I hoped to get it from Rincon St, but had to instead dash up to Cave Gulch and Llama Lane. Recorded at 8x. Very faint, lots of scintillation. Not reduced yet.
Aug 8 - Thur morn at 12:28am - Occultation of a W=13.1 Star by 1994YV3, through Santa Cruz. Alt=21, Az=213. Dur=0.9s Kirk and I are on centerline. Good event at an acceptable time. I'll definitely try it if the clouds cooperate. Planning and Results page
Aug 8 - Thur morn at 2:40am - Occultation of an W=11.1 Star by Fiducia, with wide path that includes Santa Cruz and Karl. Alt=17, Az=83 in Taurus. Planning and Results page. Results: Kirk and I both got positives. Perhaps Karl too?
Aug 11 - Sun 10:43pm - Occultation of a 13 mag star by 2000SY362, from SC Mtns. Narrow path, short duration. Dur=0.4s, Alt=24, Az=161. Worth a try from Karl's inside the shadow, Part of our Perseids Party. Planning and Results page. Results: Kirk, Karl and I all got recordings from "the rock" at Karl's.
Aug 12 - Mon eve 11:02pm - Occultation of a W=12.0 Star by 2001 RN131 from Bonny Doon. Alt=24, Az=196. Dur=1.3s. Good event, Karl's inside the northern limit also. My site is BD Airport near centerline. Planning and Results page. Results: Got a recording from Sunlit lane, unreduced.
Aug 13 - Tue eve 9:20pm - Occultation of a W=9.8 star by 2000 FD17 at 9 deg altitude in Aquarius. Sun=-16. Altitude requires a low SE horizon. Alt=9, Az=110. The path is very wide and all of us are not far from the centerline. I plan to try it from the Pogonip Overlook on the lower UCSC campus circle drive. Dur=2.0s, drop=6.4 mag. Skies look good right now. Should be easy. Planning and Results page Results: Kirk observed from West Cliff and Stockton, and I from Pogonip Overlook at UCSC. We both recorded positives of about 1s. Karl could not get on target in time, given the trees.
Aug 15 Thur morn 12:06am - Occultation of a W=11.7 mag star by Dommanget, from Santa Cruz and SC Mtns. Dur=2.0s, All are in path. Good event with high rank. Planning and Results page.
Aug 20 - 11:42pm Occultation of a W=13.5 Star by Mussorgskia, from Santa Cruz and SC Mtns. Team Santa Cruz is all inside the path from home. Dur=3.1s but only 14 deg from near full moon. Clean skies needed for proper long integration without sky blow-out. 5 stations so good coverage if we're lucky. Planning and Results Page
Aug 19 - Mon morn All College day 9-12noon (done: reg'd-counted)
*** Virtual meeting on Climate Intervention: ethics, science, in October and November. Application due by THIS friday!
Aug 20 - Tue 1-3pm "Deep Dive into Stress Reduction" Rm 450 (done:signed in on campus, counted)
Aug 20 - Tue 3-5pm "Faculty Senate Meeting" Hort 5005 (done: signed in on campus, counted)
Aug 21 Wed - 1:30-3pm -Wilderness de-stress with Michael Pebworth. Meet 1:30pm at Wellness Center to start hike. (done: signed in on campus, counted)
Aug 21 Wed - 4-5pm Rm 1400 CTC Open House (done: signed in on campus) (reg'd done, counted)
Aug 22 -3-5pm EFI/UCSC-CAN Econ journal salon from Dan F (flex external). Zoom recording
Aug 23 - Fri - 9-11:30am NAS Division Day (reg'd, counted)
Aug 23 - Fri - 2-4pm Astro Dept meeting
(don't reg, claim as external credit) Submitted as external credit 10/31/24 in VRC.
Aug 27 - Tue 1:45-2:45pm, duty on the help desk outfront of 700 bldg. 1 hr flex credit Submitted for external credit 10/31/24
Oct 4 Fri eve 5-8pm - Astro themed Star Party at the SC Natural History Museum. You bring telescope and flyers. Maybe razor moon in eve sky to see at this time. Pix page
Aug 26 - Mon 8:43pm - Occultation of a W=12.5 star by Kalliope's moon Linus, from the Pacific NW somewhere, perhaps including Santa Cruz. Dur=4s, no moon. It's do-able. Middle of Astro 3-2. Planning and Results page. Results: Recorded a miss from outside Rm 806 at Cabrillo. Reported to IOTA 10/20/24. Kirk also had a miss from home.
Sept 5 Thur 10:57pm - Occultation of a W=8.8 Star by asteroid 2001PK24, from Santa Cruz to Moss Landing, but RUWE=2.2 so path is a bit more uncertain. Centerline through Watsonville. Alt=17, Az=110. Planning and Results page. Note I will not be trying this one, I'll be in June Lake for my GraniteMan race. Results: Kirk got a miss. RN did not try. Karl recorded, probably a miss not analyzed yet.
Sept 13 Fri eve 9:30pm - Occultation of a W=11.8 Star by 2000CT83, from Kelbaker Rd and I-40. Planning and Results page. Results: Kirk and I got recordings, both misses, reported to IOTA.
Sept 13 Fri eve 10:12pm - Occultation of a W=12.2 Star by 2001QH60 from Kelbaker Rd and I40. Planning and Results page Results: Kirk and I got recordings, I got a 0.56s positive, Kirk had a miss. from same locations as 2000CT83 an hour earlier.
Sept 14 Sat morn 2:15am - Occultation of a 10.35 star by binary asteroid Arecibo. Similar path to our Didymos Mojave Desert Amboy trip. Wildfire smoke threatens, try from Parker Jct, CA. Planning and Results page Results: Kirk and I both got positive; 0.35s for Kirk, 0.49s for me. DH says I got a "Janus" event; D on primary, R on moonlet. LuckyStar submission for my obs on Dec 14, 2024.
Sept 14 Sat eve 8:30pm - Occultation of a
12.4 Star by Adamfields, from Bradley. Get on way home from Arecibo. Planning and Results page Results: Kirk and I got recordings, both got detected positives of low FP significance.
Sept 18 Wed eve 10pm - Occultation of Dimorphos/Didymos from Sonoma, of a W=10.15 star, 11 deg altitude, 0.1s duration makes this very difficult at that low altitude, with scintillation. Planning and Results page Results: Kirk and I tried it from Sebastapol. Looks like misses from near the centerline.
Sept 27-29: Astro 25 at Stanislaus River. Trip to Stanislaus River near Dorrington. Results: Very successful trip; clear skies, good explorations at the Natural Bridge underground river.
Sept 30 Mon - 3am - Occultation of a W=11.5 star by Oruki, from Empire Grade and maybe Karl's place. 1.6s dur, Alt=49, Az=108 Taurus. Good event. Planning and Results page. Results: I observed from just north of the UCSC bike crossing, Kirk from the Berm, Karl from home - we all got misses.
Oct 10 Thur 7:59:36pm - Occultation of a W=12.5 Star by Howell, from SW of Watsonville. Dur=0.4s, Alt=23. Good event, high rank. Planning and Results page . Results: Kirk and I got recordings from Watsonville, but look to be misses or no-decisions. Too uncertain to justify reports.
Oct 11 - Fri eve 9:25pm - Occultation of a W=11.7 star byAsteroid Bitias from Santa Cruz. Dur=3.7s Alt=69. All of our team inside the path. But RUWE=1.9, not ideal. Planning page. I tentatively plan to try it from Cabrillo Observatory. Planning and Results page. Results: Kirk, Karl, me, all got positives.
Oct 12 Sat eve - Occultation of a W=12.6 star by asteroid 2000 YJ135, from upper UCSC and NNW direction path. Low rank, 0.5s duration, 70 deg altitude. Planning and Results Page Results: Kirk got a miss from "the berm", I got a 0.4s positive from the east side of the upper UCSC meadow bike crossing. Karl from home?
Oct 13, 8:49pm Sunday, Occultation of a W=12.0 Star by Kacivelia, for 1.1s from Summit Rd in BD and north. I recorded from Hwy 9 1.5 mi west of Saratoga Gap for comet photography and this asteroid event. Planning and Results page Results: Observed a ~1s event,
Oct 15 Tue eve 7:27pm - Occultation of a W=12.3 star by 2002 KN8, from Cabrillo Observatory. Dur=0.4s, Az=207, Alt=19. Karl and Kirk both inside path too. Planning and Results page Results: Karl did not attempt. Kirk got from the Berm, I got from the top of Hort Hill road at Cabrillo. Not reduced yet.
Oct 18 Fri 8:33pm - Occultation of a W=12.7 star by Malytheatre, from Moss Landing. Alt=29, Dur=1.1s. Not visible for Karl. Planning and Results page Results: I got a 1s noisy event, on predicted time, 3.7 sigma FP test. Kirk's data not reduced yet.
Oct 19 Sat 7pm - Optional Astro 9ABC meet up at Twin Gates BD (formerly called "upper meadow bike crossing UCSC") for comet photography. Planning and Results Page
Oct 20 Sun eve 9:21pm - Occultation of a W=13.6 star by 1999 CR108, through Santa Cruz and Watsonville, misses Cabrillo and Karl but Cabrillo inside 1-sigma zone. Kirk almost on Northern limit and I inside 1-sigma zone. Dur=0.6s alt=48 Az=220. High alt and duration of 0.6 makes it maybe do-able but not worth a long drive. Planning and Results page. Only Kirk tried this difficult event. Not reduced yet
Oct 21 Mon morn 4:37:19am - Occultation of a W=11.8 Star by Sinzot, from Santa Cruz and Aptos and Karl, Kirk. Dur=6.4s . Alt=64, Az=195. bright easy event, but RUWE=3.1. Planning and Results page. Only Karl and I tried this bright, long event, and we both got solid positives. Predicted 100% cloudy, actuality was 100% clear.
Oct 25 Fri 3:55am - Occultation of J=15.0 star by Trojan Asteroid Mentor. Centerline over MIRA with 52% odds, 39% odds from Santa Cruz near northern limit. 39 alt, 7s duration. 39% moon far away. This looks like a good MIRA opportunity. Planning and Results page. Results: Kirk and I, with help from Sandy A., had a successful trip to MIRA; me on the 36", Kirk on the 14" Planewave. We successfully recorded ~2.3s positives 8s late. Reported to IOTA and LuckyStar.
Oct 26 - Sat 4:32am - Occultation of a 8.3 star by 2002 XY59, from south of Watsonville or Natural Bridges/Wilder coast. 0.6s dur, Alt=62 in Gemini. Planning and Results page. Results: A clear miss. I was the only observer in Santa Cruz
Nov 4 - Mon 2:03am - Occultation of a 12.5 star by 2000ON37, from Davenport, odds low from SC. 1.2s dur, alt=59. I may try only from home, though. Planning and Results page. Results: Kirk and I both drove to Davenport. I got a positive, probably Kirk too.
Nov 4 - Mon 2:22am - Occultation of a W=12.6 star by 2000EA104, from Davenport and Santa Cruz both on centerline. Misses Karl, high rank Dur=0.9s in Cancer, alt=45. Planning and Results page Results: Kirk and I stayed put, and got positives on this one too.
Nov 6 - Wed 7:35:30pm - Occultation of a 12.2 star by asteroid 1047 T-2, from Watsonvile, but I will be at Cabrillo Observatory if clear, low odds. Results: I was too busy with helping Astro 9ABC students with astrophotography, no data from me.
Nov 6 - Wed 11:31pm - Occultation of a W=13.1 star by asteroid 2000YE101, from Santa Cruz. Kirk in path, Cabrillo Observatory in 1-sig north zone. Dur=0.5s Alt= 36, Az=97. Would need perfect skies and star to get such a short event. Easier at Cabrillo 12" but odds low. Planning and Results page. Results: Kirk got a recording. I was busy with Astro 9ABC at Cabrillo Observatory. I tried to locate the target in the 12" Dome, but the mount model did not succeed, and I didn't have enough time to instead set up the 8SE after helping with Ava's astrophotos. Mark this as a valiant attempt defeated by teaching duties. Kirk yet to report.
Nov 7 - Thur morn 1:19:44am - Occultation of a W=12.8 Star by 1990VM, from Santa Cruz and Empire Grade. Results: I was too late in returning from Cabrillo Observatory with Astro 9ABC to set up and try this. Kirk got 0.6s positive. Planning and Results page.
Nov 7 - Thur 10:09:02pm - Occultation of a W=12.3 star by 1998 VF46, from Santa Cruz, vertical path.Alt=49 in SW. Several others, including Ted Swift and SoBay people. Karl should try too. Planning and Results page. Results: Kirk a probable miss, me a "unsure" with detected noisy 0.5s event, but could be a miss. Kent Osaki a 3-sigma 0.24s positive of depth 30% on far side of Kirk. Binary star? Misses? Too hard.
Nov 8 - Fri 1:03am - Occultation of a 11.2 Star by Urabe, from SC Mtns, including Karl. High rank. Alt=61, Az=128. Planning and Results page. Results: All 3 of our team got good occultation recordings. I was at Mtn Charlie monument.
Nov 9 - Sat 12:20am - Occultaton of a W=12.1 star by Adria. Wide path including all of SC, SC mtns and Los Gatos. 11s duration! Good turnout from local occulters. High rank. Planning and Results page
Nov 11 12:12am - Occultation of a G=15.6 star by TNO binary (trinary?) Altjira - high value, overhead. Planning and Results page Results: Kirk and I tried in vain to escape the oncoming storm. Cloud/rain'ed out at the top of BD Mtn.
Nov 12 Tue morn 3:33am - Occultation of a W=13.2 Star by Asteroid Luda. Downtown Santa Cruz, high rank. Dur=2.0, Alt=55, Az=298, Planning and Results page. Kirk and I both got recordings; good positives.
Nov 15/16 Fri night - Full moon occultation of the Plieades. Best photo ops at 10:15pm and 1am, central passage over the cluster
Nov 16 Sat morn 2:41am - Occultation of a 13th mag star by
Drakonia, from Santa Cruz. Planning and Results page Results: Too tough; bright moon, dim star, wind. Kirk and I both got recordings of only bright sky noise.
Nov 16 Sat night - 8:50pm - Occultation of W=11.3 Star by Martschmidt, narrow path through Santa Cruz, can get from home, Karl's not far from the path. Planning and Results page. Results: I got a successful short double occultation at Cabrillo Observatory. A new binary asteroid discovery. Binary star hypothesis is ruled out. Kirk skipped, Karl didn't get data.
Nov 17 Sun morn - 12:53am - Occultation of a W=13.8 star by 1992BX, from Santa Cruz. Dur=1.1s Alt=64, Az=265. Planning and Results page. Results: Kirk and I both got recordings; full moon and just too lost in the noise to conclude anything; true for both of us.
Nov 18 Mon morn 5:56am - Occultation of a 10.0 Star by Wren - from Karl's place, and Summit / Hwy 17 area. 2.9s dur, alt=36 Az=260 in Orion. Planning and Results page Results: Only Karl tried this one, and got a good recording of this bright and easy event.
Nov 28 - Thur 12:45am - Occultation of a W=13.8 Star by Moreau, from Locatelli Meadow, and also Karl's well placed. Dur=1.2s, alt=66, Az=148. Planning and Results page. Results: Kirk drove to Gazos Creek, I to San Vicente Redwoods, Karl from home. We all got positives but of less than 5-sigma FP test.
Nov 28 - Thur 2:05am - Occultation of a W=11.5 Star by Pervictoralex, from SC Mtns. Dur=0.7s, Alt=65 Az=147 in Gemini. Near Zeta Gem. Planning and Results page Results: Only Kirk got data on this one. I could not ID field until 1 min after event. Karl outside of path.
Dec 1 - Sun eve - Occultation of 11.9 Star by Dejanera, through Santa Cruz and SC Mtns. Another "Team SC" event. 3s dur, alt=51, Az=224. Planning page. Resultls: Positives from Kirk and I and not sure about Karl.
Dec 2 - Mon morn 2:17am - Occultation of a W=13.2 Star by Metcalfia, for 5.7s but only 1 or 2 sec for Kirk and I. Maybe 2 or 3s for Karl. Alt=45, Az=269, below/right of the Plieades. Planning page Results: Only Kirk got data on this. I did not try, nor Karl.
Dec 3 Tue 5:38pm - Occultation of 11.3 mag star by Faina - from Cabrillo and entire south Bay Area and SC Mtns. Planning page Results: I got a ~2 s event from Cabrillo outside classroom 806. No data success from Kirk or Karl.
Dec 5 Thur 3am - Occultation of a W=11.6 star by (51767) 2001 LH15 from Santa Cruz. Results: Clouds were threatening and only Kirk set up for it, got clouded out - a valiant attempt.
Dec 5 Thur 11:03pm - Occultation of a W=13.5 Star by 2002VR101 from coastal Santa Cruz. Alt=59 in Gemini. Planning page Results: Kirk and I got recordings
Dec 6 Fri 3:57am - Occultation of a 12.9 Star by Luthera - from Santa Cruz and SC Mtns. Dur=6.0s, alt=59, Az=270. Planning page Results: Kirk, I, Karl all got recordings.
Dec 6 Fri 1:57 pm - Occultation of a W=12.8th mag star by Detre, from Mtn Charlie, decently high rank 0.7s dur alt=70 in the east in Gemini Halfway between Castor and Capella. Planning page.
Dec 9 - 10:29:09pm - Occultation of a 12.9 Star by 2001 QE86 for 0.4s from coastal Santa Cruz and south of Rio Del Mar. Alt=53 in Gemini. After my final exam for Astro 3-2. Planning page Results: Kirk and I both got recordings. I, from the entrance to Natural Bridges, Kirk from home. I had a miss.
Dec 17 - 7pm - Occultation of an 8.8 Star by 2000FH3, from south of Las Lomas. Planning and Results page. Results: Kirk got a good positive. Traffic delayed us so that I only had time to set out Kirk and not enough to get to, set up, and on target at my station. No data from me.
Dec 23 Mon eve 8:44pm - Occultation of a 10.6 star by 2000 HL33, from Santa Cruz on Centerline. Poor rank, low-ish odds, worth a go for all 3 of our team. Alt=24, Az=87 Gemini. Planning page
Dec 24 Tue morn 1:30am - Occultation of a 9.7 Star by Handley, centerline in Santa Cruz. Good event, high and long 1.7s duration. Alt=69, Az=240. Planning page